• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen September 12th


Bringing personal and commission horse words to you over a cup of steaming Earl Gray! I write in many genres, for all audiences. Check my library bookshelves for convenient sorting of my stories.

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  • 96 weeks
    Mail, Comments, and Catching Up


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  • 117 weeks
    Not Dead!

    Go figure, huh!?

    I know, I know, I said I wouldn't, but fell off the grid, and I'm aware that I haven't even responded to messages on here in a couple of years.

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    0 comments · 363 views
  • 269 weeks
    Wet Pussy III: Tit Fracas - New Today

    Hello Everypony,

    Yep, I did it again. What began with me just being sick for a few days and desiring to entertain myself just became a trifecta of misunderstanding madness. Not sorry! :rainbowlaugh:

    Anyway, good to see you all, as it is good to chatter with you on Discord. Don't be strangers and enjoy! :heart:

    0 comments · 1,441 views
  • 279 weeks
    Goodnight, Bronycon...


    I'm sorry, but by the quiet glow of a city soon to wake at 4am, I don't have it in me to say much more. The hardest part is not going back to life. It's going back to a world where none of this is really understood.

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    7 comments · 2,255 views
  • 279 weeks
    Really Now

    So I'm looking over the performance of my stories, and it occurs to me.

    You people just want me to write about mares with ahems, don't you.

    Yes, that's a highly technical term.


    9 comments · 1,395 views

Fillycon Story Delays · 1:09pm Aug 25th, 2016

(I'm posting this message twice to ensure it gets as much exposure as possible - once tagged to Quantum Vault, and once tagged to Pinkamena: The Game.)


I apologize, but I must ask those of you who enjoy the ongoing releases of Quantum Vault and Pinkamena: The Game to wait a little longer for the next legs of the story. This week has been about as busy as it always is for me, but due to Fillycon this weekend I simply won't have the time to get the next chapters prepped and ready in time for a release this week. Next week is promising to be really busy too...I have crunch assignments at work, and I promised the foals at least one whole day of family time. I'm not certain just how busy I'm going to be next week - I'm always looking to steal a few minutes for writing whenever I can, but I think it only fair that I let the folks who enjoy seeing these releases know that they may be delayed at least a week (possibly two).

On the plus side, I did manage to finish the initial draft of another one-shot...ahem story, following on the fetlocks of Gleam or Shine. It still needs editing, but editing is often easier to fill in cracks of time with than composing something new. As a result, expect at least some sort of release from me no later than early next week. And if you liked Gleam or Shine? Well, I hope you'll like this one, too! :raritywink:

As always, thank you so much for any time you spend enjoying something I've written :twilightsmile:


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