College · 3:38pm Aug 21st, 2016
Hey guys and gals! Requiem here. I just spent my first night here at the University of North Dakota. The transition is going well, my roommate and I get along, and my schedule looks ok. The campus is pretty and there's lots to do, especially shopping, in Grand Forks. Not sure if I'm looking forward to the winter though. Snow is something I'm used to as a Minnesotan, but the legendary wind everyone speaks of... I'll be investing in more winter wear lol.
So, what does this mean for writing? Absolutely nothing. I think we all know I update very irregularly, and it shouldn't change for the worst now that I'm here. That's pretty much it for the writing news. The rest of this blog will just be rambling about college really.
Other than a filled prerequisite class that I must take for my major and was unable to due to class capacity, everything else seems to be working out. I checked out some of the clubs and know it's important to get out a bit lol. Normally, this isn't a problem for me, but I literally don't know anyone here. If I do, I don't know them too well and will unlikely ever encounter them in a school of 19,000 people. Nonetheless, I'm fairly confident.
I've left my desktop at home, but I'll be getting a very high end laptop by Wednesday or Thursday, so I will have something to write with. More often then not game though :P I've pretty much taken my whole room with me here, as I don't have a lot of junk to begin with. I'll post an image down below.
This is before I unpacked.
If anyone is worried about my time for editing if I edit your story, I believe I have already contacted all of you. If not, just send me a PM, but worry not, nothing should change too much in that regard.
I don't really have too much to say about the college experience, seeing as classes don't start until Monday night and I've only spent one night here so far. You'll more than likely see more college blogs as I go.
To end off with, if anyone of you are students at UND, which I kind of doubt but I'm throwing it out there regardless, send me a PM! Come meet me if you want. I'm pretty friendly, so no worries.
Thanks again for taking the time to read all of this! I'm excited to see what I gain out of my experiences here. Take care folks and I'll see you next time!
With regards, Req~
There is two types of cold.
Damn cold...
And "Oh my God, my nipples have turned into glass cutters."
Be ready for the latter.
4163095 *becomes professional theif*
Yeah, not looking forward to it 0_0
I can wait patiently so no worries about delays for editing my stuff. Just go through them whenever you feel ready to and have spare time. Studies and personal priorities comes first.
Wish you the best of luck and may the Lord guide you to a better future. You've got a long way ahead of you. Keep in touch Aight?
By the way, keep an eye out around in college. You never know your future lady could be lurking around waiting for you to sweep her off the floor.
4164242 Sweep her off the floor? That doesn't sound good lol.