• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


By windward strides and holy ghosts, what rests beside the barren coasts?

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  • 373 weeks
    A Chapter Closing


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  • 411 weeks

    "You know," Luna said, sipping quietly at her cup of coffee, "We haven't heard much from you for the past few months. Has everything been alright?"

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  • 435 weeks

    You know that thing when you've been working on something and you just finished it? And then you read it and realize that it's thematically inappropriate, or oddly paced, or just plain bad? And then you realize you have to re-do about a week's worth of work? And then you are interrupted by the appearance of a young child that can only speak Russian, but they have the most unusual blue eyes, and a

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  • 443 weeks
    Status report.

    So, hey.

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  • 453 weeks
    A bold new direction!

    I have good news, everyone!

    Due to recent events, I've come to realize that sustaining my current pace of work is simply not going to happen. In between my busy schedule of work, video games, crying in my shower, and training to beat the record for most packets of instant oatmeal cooked in a day, I'm simply swamped.

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YKTTW · 4:39pm Aug 5th, 2016

You know that thing when you've been working on something and you just finished it? And then you read it and realize that it's thematically inappropriate, or oddly paced, or just plain bad? And then you realize you have to re-do about a week's worth of work? And then you are interrupted by the appearance of a young child that can only speak Russian, but they have the most unusual blue eyes, and a set of insectoid wings on their back? And then a specially trained task force arrives to neutralize you and take the child prisoner again, but you manage to escape thanks to the child's prodigious psychic abilities, and have to flee across the world to a specific location in South America, dodging aliens and old gods and rogue governments the entire way, only to watch the child you grew to care for leave for his/her own kind? And then you realize that you've learned a valuable lesson about yourself, and are ready to take on the world once again?


Well, it's been an interesting period of time. Like two more days until the next chapter. Maybe three, I'm not a doctor, though I'm now an ordained priest in an ancient and forgotten religion that revolves around sky worship, so there is that.

See you soon!

Report Airstream · 1,107 views · Story: Courts of The Magi ·
Comments ( 7 )

Can you officiate the marriage of me and my horde of hats with your new position? Please and thank you.

Sure! You might experience a couple of spontaneous nosebleeds, but I can make the necessary stone piles and get this shindig rolling.

Comment posted by Zenith Sparkle deleted Jan 2nd, 2020

Is it normal or advanced sky worship?

Normal. I could have gone with the advanced, but that involves signing up for a mailing list and a correspondence course.

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