• Member Since 4th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Flynt Coal

Cool guy extraordinaire. Writer. Storyteller. Shockingly Canadian.

More Blog Posts134

  • 93 weeks
    Chapter 12 tomorrow

    Yes, you heard right. I'm not dead, and have a new Bughorse chapter ready to go for tomorrow at the usual time.

    0 comments · 269 views
  • 105 weeks

    Yes, I bring good news of Chrysalis story. I have finished the first draft of the next chapter and the editing team has already made a first pass on it. There's still a lot to do to polish it, but I'm hopeful that I can have it up and ready for your hungry eyes in one week. Keep a lookout!

    1 comments · 290 views
  • 118 weeks
    Life is Snow

    No really, this isn't some vague metaphor. My life is literally snow right now. I'm drowning, send help.

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    4 comments · 294 views
  • 121 weeks
    New year, new chapter

    Hope everyone is having a great New Year's Eve (or if you're in a part of the world where it's already 2022, hope the new year's been treating you well so far). Good news: the next chapter of Paint the Sky is written, we just need to take it through a few rounds of edits and revisions before I'm ready to post it. It will probably go live at the usual time on Wednesday.

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    2 comments · 313 views
  • 135 weeks
    Chapter 7

    2 comments · 227 views

Gasp! · 1:58am Aug 3rd, 2016

Well that's not what I expected when I first created this account 3 odd years ago. From the bottom of my heart...

Comments ( 8 )

You deserve dude its an amazing story and I know I have been recommending it to anyone who likes RvB, good crossovers, or military adventures and any other catagory really as o find any excuse to recommend it tl people. :rainbowlaugh:

You done good, kid. Ya done good. :ajsmug:

Aww, look at that tiny Gavin. What a cute piece of s:yay:t

Congrats on hitting 1000 likes, Flynt. Those are very well deserved.

congrats bruddah!

Congrats dude! You deserve it!

Congrats man. You deserve it for the work you put into that story

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