• Member Since 20th Sep, 2014
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I am a 27 year old High School Alumni. I am also a brony, and a avid gamer. Rainbow Dash is the element of Loyalty and my pony waifu!!!! A huge thanks to Ms. Amber Davis for my oc commission.

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I miss my marefriend · 10:18pm Jul 25th, 2016

:fluttercry: I miss my marefriend so much that my :heart: is breaking!!!!! :raritycry:

Report LightningStrike982 · 420 views · #Sad #Romance
Comments ( 26 )

4112563 Nothing just that I miss my marefriend extremely bad!!!! :raritycry:

4112585 I don't know I really miss her though. :raritycry:
I need cheering up where's Pinkie Pie

4112609 Oh okay.....
But I still miss my marefriend so much!!!!! :raritycry:

4112723 Both......I'm so :pinkiehappy: my marefriend is back

*hugs* It's alright my friend, I'm sure she'll come back soon. Just remain calm till she does.

Anypony have any good music or song suggestions that will help me stay calm while I await my magical mare's return?

Who's your marefriend?

4118369 I know what her name is, I know what's been going on.

4118379 Yes, I do know what you've been doing with her.

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