• Member Since 4th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 20th, 2022

Citrus Recluse

More Blog Posts138

  • 257 weeks
    Her Way With Words Chapter ... 11? Yup!

    New Year's Surprise for you! An extra chapter of Her Way With Words!

    I mention in the Author's Notes for the chapter as well, but I had the idea for a sequel to HWWW involving Sunset Shimmer and the Shadowbolts. A full sequel was too much to do in the time that I had, but I managed a oneshot that basically covers the broad strokes of what I would have done in this hypothetical sequel.

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  • 259 weeks
    Commission Update: Leatherbound Shadows Will Not Be Finished

    I talked to the commissioner and they have lost interest in continuing Leatherbound Shadows, and as my December 31st deadline is fast approaching, it's just as well. Its unfortunate, and I feel bad that things shook out this way, but there's nothing I can really do to change it now. It's always been work for pay, and if there's no pay, there's no work. Simple as that.

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  • 260 weeks
    Her Way With Words Final Chapter Live

    Ten chapters, over a year since the start of it, almost to the end of this year and just barely scraping by in before New Years, its the final chapter of Her Way With Words! Come! Celebrate! Grab a beer! Sigh lovingly at the screen as you wish Adagio Dazzle (or some reasonable real life equivalent) would do that to you! Or is that last one just me?

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  • 265 weeks
    Her Way With Words Update

    I don't really need to say more than that at this point, do I?



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  • 265 weeks
    Chapter Update: Moonlight Scales: Sidewinders

    The next and final chapter of Moonlight Scales should be up.

    This will be the final chapter of Moonlight Scales I write, and I'm somewhat regretful that I couldn't get to Celestia and Luna for the commissioner, but we've talked and they're interested in finding someone else to pick up where I left off.

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Putting Some Stories Idea Up For Adoption · 4:18pm Jul 24th, 2016

So anyone who's been following me should know that I am leaving, and that I have a whole bunch of stories I'm trying to finish before I do ... but there are some that I just haven't been able to get started on, and I am unwilling to ... delay my departure anymore than I already have to work on them.

So, I'm putting them up for adoption! I talked with some people about them, but the results of that conversation were, at least to me, a bit ... inconclusive.

All Aboard The Bimbofication Express: An inversion where all the 'counterparts' (Trixie, Starlight, Sunset, Lightning Dust, and Suri) are bimboified instead, stuck together on a train as they ride towards the cure. Intended to be a comedy. Update: It would seem that Qiscord has taken this one!

Equal to Each Other: Alternate dark version of S5 premiere where Starlight uses a different staff to bimbofiy the Mane Six.

And an untitled idea for a story suggested to me by someone of a story where The Contessa from Most Common Superpower hatches a scheme with a bakery where she works her 'product' into various cakes and such.

If anyone feels up to (definitively) taking over any of these, shoot me a PM and we can suss out more specific details, like ideas, how I envisioned the story going, etc.

EDIT: I feel I should mention that anything that I haven't specifically put here is not up for adoption. (Yet.)

Report Citrus Recluse · 384 views ·
Comments ( 6 )


I dunno ... the comedy is actually pretty integral to it. Could you at least make sure Sunset is sarcastic, biting, and snarky?

"Cupcake Contessa" is a brilliant name, and it would be less like a sequel and more like an episode. You know, like in the old cartoons where they beat the bad guy, but next week, they're right back to hatching schemes again! Though I might suggest the more grammatically-pleasing "Contessa's Cupcakes?"

I might be able to do it, but then again, I might not.

What part of "definitively" do you not understand? :trixieshiftleft:

I enjoy a good comedy, and I've been thinking of taking up a new project to 'get the rust off', as it were. Half the ponies on that train are some of my favorites, so it should be fun! I'd be happy to take on 'All Aboard,' if dear Insane is okay with it.
A-And you too. That's also a thing that should happen.


Well, you sound more enthusiastic about it than Insane did/does, they said they don't do comedy, and the fact that you say half those ponies are your favorites makes me think you'll do the story justice, so I'd just as soon be inclined to give it to you.

... If Insane is okay with it.


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