• Member Since 30th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen April 20th


A man is driving home, thinking about beating his wife. Along the way, he passes a turtle. I am that turtle.

More Blog Posts632

  • 158 weeks
    Woah!! What exactly IS Humor?!

    It's forming a new positive connection in your brain which once had a negitive or neutral reaction that takes you by surprise, not to be confused with making you afraid.

    0 comments · 267 views
  • 187 weeks
    Okay now.


    Where are you all coming from?

    Who said what?

    My inner gossip whore must know, tell me-

    5 comments · 545 views
  • 192 weeks
    AF DAY

    So April Fools is kinda like Opposite Day so I wrote a not comedy.

    April Fools~

    1 comments · 313 views
  • 195 weeks
    And boom, gone.

    Deleted the heated blog post at the request of a friend, if you have a sour taste in your mouth after that, I don’t, so you shouldn’t either.

    Anyway, so ponies are cute.

    7 comments · 381 views
  • 196 weeks

    Read More

    3 comments · 381 views

Uh oh. · 10:46pm Jul 17th, 2016

So like,
Just from like stray comment in the comment section, just wondering....
How many of you have a ScootalooxNopony going on in your head?

Comments ( 28 )

Too many, my friend.

Too many...

~ Chapter: 13

Oh. Oh dear. :twilightoops:

Dude, I might be fucked up, but I have my limits.

It's clearly NoLight and ScootaNamelessColtWhomTheyPlannedToEmotionallyBreak.

...and now the image of Scoots and Nopony having sex inside a large trash container with Scoots screaming "ruin my amusement park" and "rut me in my garbage dump" have flooded my mind

I badly need some brain bleach after that

How many of you have a ScootalooxNopony going on in your head?

Well, you do now.

Cant say that I am one of those always saw the parent child relationship even if it is weird.



damnit where is the industrial strength brain bleach.

All of us now!

Honestly, to me they are mother & daughter, no matter how weird their relationship is. Then that would be weird as fuck incest.

They do say princest is wincest, though... :rainbowderp:

4098215 sorry, I used all the brain bleach already.

Nope, ScootalooxRumble for the win.

4098183 Thanks. I needed that soooooo much.

I like the idea of them being mother/daughter father/daughter whichever the gender of the day is.

But now I think it and it won't go away.


No. No, no. No. ew, gross. They're...parent and child.

No.....no. Just.


Dear fucking god no.

I'd ship it, but not as much as Nopony x Twilight :trollestia:

No, no goddamn way. Blergh

I've never thought about this until now

Why did you put this thought in my head? :raritydespair:

Uh... I mean... the age gap would be massive either way... I could ship it... both seem almost mentally exhausted enough to make this viable. Damn you now I gotta see if this works.

4098215 I'm skinny dipping in a gigantic pool of it. It's not helping.

Hay no! That's a place I avoid entirely. :applejackconfused:

4098945 WE NEED THE POWER WASH!! WHERE IS THE POWER WASH?!?! :raritydespair:

Thanks to you, I have a new view of your story cover, with Scootaloo riding the chicken. She's giving it encouraging slaps.
And part of this short summary you put:

a gimp orphan

Forever unclean.cdn-img.fimfiction.net/story/d87q-1436224469-269750-medium

Supa hawt.

You should have a chapter to deal with thus subject. It'd be hilarious.

I think I would really like this ship as long as it's done after enough time for Scootaloo becomes an adult. I think it would be a very interesting story. :raritywink:

The idea occurred to me haha

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