I Haven't Updated in a While, I Feel As if I Should Tell You All What's Up (TDMAIE Update) · 1:36am Sep 8th, 2012
I've taken a minor hiatus from writing recently. This has been for a variety of reasons, one was that summer break is over, and I have far less free time than I did before. the other is that I had a bump in with my old Chrono Trigger ROM and just had to do another replay, that game is to good to ignore. Anyway, twenty hours later and my file is done, and I've freed up some time on my schedule for writing, which will mean I can start the next chapter soon.
As for where I am at with the chapters, I'm pretty much done with chapter four, it's just being put through editing by a friend of mine by the name of WesternWxyzvv, (DO NOT ASK HIM FOR WHAT THE WXYZVV MEANS, HE WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT) so it should be done by the end of tomorrow evening, should things go well. I'm a little worried about how it will turn out, unlike the previous chapter, there is quite a bit more dialogue in it, which is sadly my weakest skill in writing. If there was ever a time for constructive criticism, it would be for when I release it.
Anyway, time for the part where I ask you to like/dislike/leave a comment, also known as shameless advertising, it has to come sometime, right? Well, here it goes.
If you haven't liked it yet, and you thought it deserved a like, then would you please leave one, on the other side, if you absolutely hated it and but you just felt to lazy or busy to leave a dislike, feel free to do so now, really, it helps me more than you think. While your at it, could you leave some constructive criticism in the comments. I've been given a few good pointers already, and I thank everyone who gave me them, but I could always use more, every little bit helps.
That's pretty much all, second thanks to WesternWxyzvv for editing, and another thanks to each and every person who read it. Recently I've hit 1000 total chapter views, which while not much in the grand scheme of things, is quite a milestone for me.... that and it makes me feel good. What? I do this for enjoyment not profit, the good feels I get from this are the only thing I get, apologies for mentioning them. Anyway, I'll hopefully have another chapter out by the end of the weekend, if not then, then I'll release it by midweek.
I can't really think of any way to end this, so I figure this will suffice. See ya all.
What's the WXYZVV stand for?
You will die painfully my friend
349497 Yay