The return of an old enemy · 6:12pm Jul 1st, 2016
Mario Puzo once said that he wrote The Godfather, his most recognizable and acclaimed novel, only to gain money.
That's what I can say about Les Petites Juments (except for the money part. I don't do this as a living) in a similar way: I only wrote it to replace my removed fic. And after reaching and staying in the popular stories list for some time (very brief but still) I officially know the meaning of being a sell out.
After this incident let's begin with the clues for the next project. Remember you have until the approval day to guess it.
(Author's note: This is closed. If you want to know the answer click in the link below)
Now before I start I have to set things up: this next story was going to be the last of the Literary Trilogy but now it's the second one and I'm finding the inspiration for the last one, that means after this probably the Literary Trilogy will go on hiatus for a while. Finally I've to say this project it's the last of the originals I've been publishing since my beginnings on this site and it's the comeback of a genre I haven't been touching since then so I'm too nervous about the reception for this one since my previous attempts weren't receive very well. My own expectations are high, let's cross fingers and see what happens.
Listen carefully