Explanation. · 7:01pm Jun 23rd, 2016
Remember how I said I'd stop procrastinating? Well I did and sat down to start writing something for you all! Then I drew a blank! I couldn't think of anything at all! I'm sorry to those of you that wanted to see something new or something to be updated, but I felt I should let you all know. I'm sorry.
it's okay. if you want any ideas just look at a list of stories, games or movie that you have read in the past and think of how you could integrate it into your MLP universe. the point is to get the creative juice flowing.
4044220 I have ideas I just can't get them down. I don't know how to start them. If I could do that then maybe I could actually get the ball rolling again.
4044220 Oh, I forgot to mention that I really like the work you've been doing lately. You're art has done nothing but improve since I first saw it, and it was already amazing.
Don't worry man, it happens all the time
4044232 I just had to take such a long break didn't I?
4044234 Eh, it's better than what I'm doing. I'm just tossing various bits of info I made up onto a few gdocs. Not very productive.
4044235 meh
4044237 Yeah.
4044229 thank you One of the Crowd I really appreciate it your praises. I hope to do a lot more work this summer along with the hope of finally publish my first story. I am also planing to to be more proactive on Fimfiction on showcasing my art just to get used to interact more with the public here. On a last note I am sure you will overcome the trepidation that you are experiencing at the moment and start writhing again better then ever.