WWE MLP THEMES: THE RETURN! · 10:24pm Jun 15th, 2016
So since all you guys have liked my first perfect themes for MLP characters so i decided to do it again but this bigger and better featuring some old themes and new themes, side characters and even villains so get ready, and im not bothering coming up with names XD but leave your suggestions here it comes:
Cena Sparkle:
Pinkie Rose:
RainBow Neville
Country Jack (Applejack):
Zarity (Rarity):
Spike-The Sexy Dragon?:
Starlight Styles (I really have no idea here....):
Sunset Banks:
Discord (Couldn't come up with a name):
Princess Luna/Nightmare Taker:
Celestia chairman of Equestria:
King SombrJoe:
TenderBreeze (TenderHoof):
Gilda Jax:
Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon (Couldn't think of one):
The Cutie Mark Crusaders:
Pinkamena Diane Pie AKA The Pie Asylum:
Last but not least, The Real Star, My OC Cherry Berry Pie (PInkamena's Murderous Sister):
Hope you guys Enjoyed!