• Member Since 9th Mar, 2013
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The real villains were the friends we made along the way.

More Blog Posts19

  • 173 weeks

    ...are a wonderful person.

    4 comments · 299 views
  • 174 weeks
    I'm not even mad

    So a big sci-fi story that gets lots of prepwork and spent years brewing finally starts getting written and it gets decent reception. I don't really write for clout, so it's not a big deal. I'm just happy there are people who like it. Then my computer dies, a few months pass, and after discovering Touhou through a fangame on xbox I start writing a fic on that same xbox on a whim. Somehow it's

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    2 comments · 222 views
  • 195 weeks
    New story! + Other Announcements

    Heeeeey. I don't do these blogs often, but I just wanted to unload some things that happened recently. Some good, some bad. But let's start with the positive, okay? I published a new story last week! The idea that has been bouncing around in my head for years has finally been put to paper, and the first three chapters are up and waiting to be read.

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    1 comments · 227 views
  • 306 weeks
    Minuette's Visitor has a Reading!

    Just thought I'd break radio silence to announce that my little random one-shot, Minuette's Visitor, has been given a reading on YouTube by a small channel known as Snogwritts. If you want to give it a listen, the link is in the description of the story itself, or you can click here.

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    0 comments · 333 views
  • 342 weeks

    Beware, for they be out to get you.

    2 comments · 463 views

The Adventures Continue · 8:04pm Jun 15th, 2016

So I've been mulling over how to continue from my latest chapter of ADD. And I decided to make the whole story a series of medium length fics rather than one really long one. There are two reasons for this. The first is that it allows me a little more freedom with using the ideas I have, as well as letting me expand on those ideas. The second is purely to keep me from rushing the ending and trying to come up with something stupid to wrap it up on. This way, I can properly (in my mind, at least) tell a story, or even make my own verse. I admit, that is a major stretch though.

Comments ( 2 )

Heh... ADD. It's a passing fair concept for a story universe, Twilight getting sent to mindrape humanity without actually knowing what the full situation was. People turning into ponies, harmonizalationism everywhere, and a race against time to beat purple smart over the head until she comes to see reason. I can see as you could take that a lot of different directions. Though, pulling another universe into it was kind of a sketchy decision...

4030793 Eh, I can make it work. :trollestia:

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