• Member Since 19th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 15th, 2023


I make fics :3

More Blog Posts4

  • 335 weeks

    okay hi um i found this fanfiction account and like wow, it was from like 3ish years ago and??? im not a pegasister anymore and its kinda funny to read this stuff lmao but if you were still reading my fanfics im not finna continue them anymore sorry boos xx

    0 comments · 258 views
  • 436 weeks

    so im like... making a new fic about pinkie pie. and twilight. one word. yep.

    0 comments · 172 views
  • 436 weeks
    Story Changing

    So I decided that the chapters in my only story should have a bit longer chapters. I'm thinking about 1,000 words per chapter. I also am taking advice on what some of you said, and yes, including spelling mistakes :raritywink:. Oh, and take this advice; Never read a fanfiction when you're writing one. I can't think of an idea that isnt related to the other story :rainbowlaugh:. New chapter will

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    0 comments · 187 views
  • 437 weeks
    First fanfic

    Wow. I just published my first fanfic. I was so scared at first, but I thought you know, it's cool.
    I ended up getting lots of positive feedback! I'm aware that there were many spelling mistakes. It's just that i've been waiting to write this for months now! So you really can't blame me for rushing. I'm working on the next chapter of my story and I think everyone will like it!

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Story Changing · 12:41am May 28th, 2016

So I decided that the chapters in my only story should have a bit longer chapters. I'm thinking about 1,000 words per chapter. I also am taking advice on what some of you said, and yes, including spelling mistakes :raritywink:. Oh, and take this advice; Never read a fanfiction when you're writing one. I can't think of an idea that isnt related to the other story :rainbowlaugh:. New chapter will be up tomorrow.

Report HayBurger04 · 187 views · Story: A Secret Nopony can Know ·
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