• Member Since 25th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2016


Hey my name is Hannah. It has been a while. But I am back. /) much love for the mlp fandom.

More Blog Posts25

  • 441 weeks
    Remember Me?

    Hi. :twilightsmile:

    Its hghmpegasister. Practically raised from my grave right now.
    You know those writers? The ones who have a story?
    You really enjoy that story and want it to continue.
    Then that author drops of the face of the Earth and your left with a cliff hanger, like is Twilight ever going to recover from horse sickness...

    *cough* *cough* *sniff* *sniff* :fluttercry:

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    0 comments · 432 views
  • 500 weeks
    Idk what to do with this


    Idk what to with this should I rewrite it or keep moving on with the story. I want to impove my work a bit since I haven't ben n Fimfic for about a year now.. I think I should but im not sure.


    I feel like I was tired when I cam up with this idea? Twilight entering a pageant..

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    1 comments · 413 views
  • 567 weeks
    Happy 2014

    To a year full of beautiful new episodes and memories from MLP FIM.

    0 comments · 418 views
  • 568 weeks
    Flight to Finish

    I loved the song. Stuck in my head for like 2 days.

    I also learned that Scootaloo is not homeless and might have parents.

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    0 comments · 326 views
  • 588 weeks



    3 comments · 366 views

Remember Me? · 6:41am May 27th, 2016

Hi. :twilightsmile:

Its hghmpegasister. Practically raised from my grave right now.
You know those writers? The ones who have a story?
You really enjoy that story and want it to continue.
Then that author drops of the face of the Earth and your left with a cliff hanger, like is Twilight ever going to recover from horse sickness...

*cough* *cough* *sniff* *sniff* :fluttercry:

But enough about the cliff hangers I have had to endure.

I left a lot of people hanging of a cliff.

Of a fan fiction I started back in November of 2013.

I was 12.

So yeah basically I have been crying at my sucky, horrible, grammar and somewhat confusing story lines for the past hour.
:twilightblush: Which to be quite honest probably haven't gotten much better, and im 15 now.

I am looking at my first story The Alicorn.

Lets be real.

I was 12.

I do not see this story line really going anywhere.
Even if I did then.
I have no clue now.

Thats what happens folks.
You stop writing a story for a couple years and BOOM.
You feel like you can do better! :unsuresweetie: or at least in my case TRY to do better.

SO I have decided to start a new Flashlight Story.
As for The Problem With Pageants. (eh...) I'll try to keep it going but I might change the plot a bit.

I will be keeping The Sweetest Love on here because eh why not, it reminds me of... MY INNOCENCE. :scootangel:
(and horrible grammar :applecry:)

Last of all I want to apologize.
I kind of gave up writing on this website after my computer broke down and I never really got around to getting back on it after getting it fixed much later. I never want to leave a reader hanging off a cliff. I want to write a great story and keep my ideas going.
I don't know if anyone will actually remember me. Maybe so... (probably the crazy 12 year old with crappy grammar.) :twilightoops:
But I really do want to thank all those people who supported me then, and even though I might not have been a great writer or that great with grammar. They treated me kind and helped me continue my book with their enthusiasm. It meant a lot and it still does. :twilightsmile::heart:
So I am back, and I am ready to start trying to write again.

So yeah, brace yourselves. :twilightblush::heart:


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