• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2020


More Blog Posts63

  • 417 weeks
    Shin Godzilla

    Well, it's been a while since I've done...well...anything on this site. Pony-fatigue is still running strong and my mind is catching up from several years of immersing myself in almost nothing but MLP (from a personal entertainment perspective). But now I'm back, fresh from the theater with a review of Shin Godzilla.
    I'm sure I'll get back to pony eventually...

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  • 430 weeks
    And so...

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  • 432 weeks
    Movie Review: Now You See Me and Now You See Me 2

    So, in between updates on the latest story, I've decided to review another movie, or rather, another pair of movies, both because I have a lot I've wanted to say about these two movies in particular (this being the only real outlet I have for that) and because some of my readers actually seem to like this. To wit, my review of Now You See Me 1 and 2.

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  • 434 weeks
    In Other News...TMNT Review

    Well, in between editing and posting chapters for my latest story, I found time to see the new TMNT film in theaters and thought I'd give my opinion on it...for those who are actually interested in that sort of thing. So, here it is, my review for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows.

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  • 437 weeks

    (Collapses, gasping for breath) It's done...I've finished. The final story of the Savage Skies series is finally complete. Suffice to say, I had originally planned a rather brief kinda multi-chapter epilogue...that ballooned out into multiple story arcs, stretching out into a 173,000+ word monstrosity. It didn't help matters that my muse...

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    19 comments · 1,340 views

Done! · 6:32am May 27th, 2016

(Collapses, gasping for breath) It's done...I've finished. The final story of the Savage Skies series is finally complete. Suffice to say, I had originally planned a rather brief kinda multi-chapter epilogue...that ballooned out into multiple story arcs, stretching out into a 173,000+ word monstrosity. It didn't help matters that my muse...

Remember him?

...viciously dragged me into a 330,000+ detour into another story for another fandom entirely (RWBY if you were wondering) before I finally managed to wrench back control and finish this beast.

So now comes the formatting and proofreading. While I have received offers from pre-readers, I've decided, for the time being to do my own editing and formatting as usual, if only to avoid the fiasco from last time. So...look for the first chapter in about a week...maybe.

Thank you for your patience.

Report moguera · 1,340 views · Story: Dark Matter · #Huzzah!
Comments ( 19 )

Good God man! You alright!? The muse of yours is a slave-driver!

The final story of the Savage Skies series is finally complete.

Oh good, we're coming closer to side-story mania. Dis gun b gud...

3975866 And I'm still not caught up! :rainbowlaugh:

I eagerly await the first chapter!

look for the first chapter in about a week

You don't understand Mog, I can't wait this long!

Awee.. you mean the ride is over already? Sigh.. the good time were good..

Wait, did someone say side stories!? Yay! :pinkiehappy:

*copious exited squeaking noises*

I will be looking for the new story ark.
but the bigger question wear to from here?


Great news indeed.

You just made my day...

Worth the wait.

I'm so excited! :pinkiehappy:


my face :| -> :) -> :D -> =D -> 8<D


I am curious about this RWBY story however. Might we get a link?

your muse is so adorable i want one

This series is one of three fics that are the only reason I'm still involved with ponies in any way. It'll be sad to see it go

Sweet news! :pinkiehappy:

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