Any suggestions for someone who has lost enthusiasm? · 2:34am May 20th, 2016
First off, let me say that this is not one of those "I'm leaving the fandom!" posts. For one thing, we all know that 97% of those posts should end with a footnote that says "I'll see you in two weeks, maybe less." For another, I have no reason to leave the fandom.
For one thing, I've met a lot of great people through the fandom in general and this website in particular. (The not-so-great people I've encountered are either unintentionally amusing, just plain sad, or not even worth remembering.) For another, I'm still a fan of the show. I'm still watching (and enjoying) new episodes each week. I'm still acquiring the digital versions of comics when I can. I still have a crush on Tara Strong. (Of course, that's been the case since she was the voice of Batgirl and still called Tara Charendoff, so that might not be very helpful as an indicator.)
I just... don't have as much enthusiasm for the fandom websites as I once did. Originally, I was going to say "this site", but I realized that it's more than that. I used to visit Derpibooru on practically a daily basis, and now I hardly ever visit. (And when I do, it's usually because I'm looking for a particular image.) I haven't stopped by DeviantArt to check on the work of my favorite pony artists in a while. I haven't visited the wiki lately to see which screencaps cry out for a caption. I just can't seem to be bothered.
Full disclosure: I've been fairly unenthusiastic about a lot of things lately. Depression is a bitch. But in the past, I've been able to enjoy the social aspect of the fandom (for the most part) even when my neurochemicals have been particularly uncooperative. So... I don't know. Not sure what's going on. Maybe this is my brain's way of saying I've read too many badfics and I need to stop.
I don't care for this apathy. Would rather get rid of it, if I could, but I don't know how. So I have a question for you, my friends, followers, and FILFs. As the kids say on the intertubings these days, "What do?"
Take a break.
I've... sort of been doing that, actually. Just without planning or intending to do so.
I maybe you could just socialize for a while. Also, I think the stuff you post is great.
Get out while you still can nothing good will come out of it if you return.
SAVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!
"I don't care for this apathy"
Commit to doing something, like talking to someone who's super enthusiastic about their stories or something. I've kind of fallen off the wagon myself in terms of enjoying the community, but committing to a couple great contacts and interacting with them regularly, editing stories, and discussing fanfic ideaa does wonders for making me stick around.
Well, you know who could help you with that?
--Sweetie Belle
I still have to muster up the enthusiasm to watch "Newbie Dash", so maybe I'm not the best one to ask...
Would it help if I went back to talking by pm with you, instead of email, giving you more reason to visit?
You might think about the things you like to do on the site and try and do more of them. There are a bunch of groups that I'm sure you joined (and became admin in) because you liked them. You could try to stir up activity in them. Try and find new cute fanfiction and add it to groups, binge through the more interesting stories in the submission folders of some of them, participate in some of the writing contests around, etc...
Just ideas, of course. I'm just thinking that if you had more to do on fimfiction, maybe you'd want to spend more time there. Maybe you could look around for new groups you'd be interested in, or even found a group. We still don't have a group dedicated to posting youtube videos of 80's music, for example...
Sigh. This is probably all my fault.
Well, one thing I would suggest is to not try to force the pony, and interact with folks about anything you are doing. One of the amazing things about FiMfiction is how much it's basically a social network, and I think that's done a lot to keep fandom going for some people who might otherwise have drifted away: right now in my feed I've blogs that are reviews of fics, sure, but also posts about font choices for original fiction publishing, a review of the Iliad, a bunch of stuff about xcom... I'm happy to geek out with people about this stuff (except xcom. I don't know, or care, about that.)
And, to that end, if you don't have a lot of people or groups you're following who post about interesting non-pony or vaguely pony things, maybe go on a follow spree and add some folks. Just scanning your following list, Bad Horse, TheJediMasterEd, and Wanderer D might be folks to consider.
Collab with meeeeeeeeee
Newbie Dash is great. It's got a few moments of the CMC being adorable. And something about the Wonderbolts. It's great. I liked it. ^_^
In addition to what's already been said, I recommend cleansing your palette with something else. Even I can get tired of nonstop pony. Also, reading some higher quality stories couldn't hurt.
I'd agree to not try to force it
interests, even interest in a committed relationship rather than a fandom, waxes and wanes
that said, be wary of stopping contact with friends, since that can aggravate depression (which is all the worse because depression pushes you to do just this)
I wish you the best no matter what
Maybe you are just.. Growing out of it.
Time changes everything.
Let it roll, whatever it is..
If it were meant to be- it will be.
If it's time to move on and try something different - well, move on.
You sound worried that you aren't feeling enthusiastic about ponyfic. Ordinarily I'd suggest that worrying about losing something you've lost enthusiasm for suggests you miss the enthusiasm more than the thing itself, and you might try something else before coming back to this. With depression in the mix, though, the usual calculus doesn't work. I just don't know enough.
Which won't stop me from offering advice, because this is the Internet, where being able to post a YouTube video apparently means you can prove the Earth is flat. Talking authoritatively on something we know nothing about is what we do.
My suggestion is that you might try taking a different angle with ponyfics for your pony fix. A collab might work; if so, I'd suggest one where time pressure isn't critical. Or look at fanfics other have left unfinished (there are more than a few) and figure how you'd finish them (probably more as a thought-problem than something to publish to avoid stepping on toes). Or sequels, for that matter. Try to out-pathos or -bathos (whichever is appropriate) Past Sins. Do a chapter of Cupcakes in iambic pentameter ("is this a knife I see before me, frosting 'pon the blade? Mmmm!"). Take a non-pony story you really like and throw in a pony. Not even as a fully story -- just something fun.
This isn't about me, of course (hey, nothing's perfect), but just providing my experience as an example. I lost my enthusiasm for writing ponyfic when I realized that, while I was doing OK, I wasn't really improving. I pushed myself onward but, when I took a break to tackle some real-life issues, I just never got back to writing about our beloved candy-colored crew. I regained a little enthusiasm about a Trek fanfic that's still solidly in the in-my-head phase, and, whether or not I actually put pen to pixel, it's fun to think about.
So take what made you happy, and mix in a little different this and a little unusual that in the recipe. A new flavor can help one appreciate an old dish.
That's one of the cutest Twist pics I've ever seen.
The fact that she has braces makes it that much better...
It might. Although as long as we're talking about email, I never did get your opinion on my attempt to redo the lettering on that one project we've sort of both been working on.
I don't know if it's really hard to stir up activity in a group, or if I'm just really bad at it.
That would probably boost my enthusiasm more than intentionally seeking out badfics...
I understand that it can lead to internal injuries if you do, so that makes sense.
I started something with Arcum ages ago, and it just sort of sputtered out. It would have been a fun idea if we could have given it more of a shove, though.
(And Scootaloo is especially cute in "Newbie Dash".)
Now would probably be a good time to do an image search for "well, there's your problem" pics, as I don't know a great many people like that.
But it's an idea that has merit.
There's something to be said for that. Maybe that's part of why I've been playing a particular game at near-obsessive levels ever since downloading it to my Fire tablet, I don't know...
Can't argue with you there.
Fortunately, I do still maintain contact with my closest friends out in the real world. Some I don't see as often as I'd like, but my best friend -- who is like a brother to me -- is typically able to spend some time with me about once a week. Even if we're just watching some fluffy anime series at his place, it's still a change of scenery for me.
I don't think so. Like I said, I still watch and enjoy the new episodes.
I actually have two or three unfinished notions of my own; if I can break through my writer's block, any of them could have some value.
Oh, and a quick note to anyone who has sent me PMs since I last popped my head in a few days ago -- gotta head out the door soon, but I will come back and answer them. I'm actually headed to group therapy, so there's that...
I probably forgot I didn't reply, or it got lost in the stream of junk mail, which is another reason pm's might be a good idea.
Yeah, me either. Eh, you could always join the writers group again.
It's hard to be enthusiastic about seeking out bad stories. Cute ones, OTOH... Hey, maybe some of the submissions to Cuteness Overload or Heartwarming are good. You never know...
It was a fun idea. We even wrote the first chapter. Elric had an edgy black and red alicorn character, and I had a sad orphaned filly that can't get adopted. And we had a villain named Snidely Mustache! (Though he's not that bad.)
3970269 Was that Ragweed? It would be awesome if that were up and running!
That was the one. One day, Elric and I both had some time and went into google docs at the same time and collaboratively wrote the first chapter. It went very smoothly, and was a lot of fun. Later, I did a bit of editing, and started writing the first scene of the second chapter, but it never got further then that, unfortunately. (And the first chapter is rather short, looking at it, though it introduces the whole thing pretty well.)
I've thought before that I should post what exists of it somewhere, like the Elric fan club. Wish it was up and running, but I doubt it'll be continued, unfortunately...