• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Wednesday

Nova Arcanum

Has no business writing horsewords. Writes anyway.

More Blog Posts43

  • 144 weeks
    The More Things Change...

    I know, I know, we've been through this song and dance a few times... This time I am going to be making a reasonable effort to stay committed to writing. To that end, I am reviving Pulling Heartstrings, as well as In the Twilight of Change.

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    0 comments · 145 views
  • 326 weeks
    Yes, I'm alive

    Yes, Pulling Heartstrings was published for a moment before being taken down. Yes, it's being rewritten. No, it's not going to be nearly as cringe as it was with its initial iteration. Yes, the plot line will remain mostly the same. No, I will not make Jason a Gary Stu. I will be making an attempt at having the story make a bit more sense than it did when I first wrote it. Yes, it will actually

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    0 comments · 286 views
  • 419 weeks

    So, apparently I'm alive. Who knew, right?

    Aaaaaaanyway, I've finally come back from hibernating (read: gaming the night away while screwing my sleep schedule even more than fimfiction already does), and I've managed to finally crank out that chapter after so long. And I shall continue churning out chapters on a more or less regular basis, now that I finally got the ball rolling.

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    0 comments · 387 views
  • 438 weeks
    So Many Followers...

    Seriously guys, this is getting nuts. It wasn't that long ago that I broke 30 followers, and I check my user page to see I'm now at 38 followers, and that makes me happy. For real, seeing that you guys enjoy my stories (which is a miracle in itself, because I really should stick to an update schedule...) makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I like things that are warm. And fuzzy. And also

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    1 comments · 358 views
  • 448 weeks
    New Chapter Released

    Pulling Heartstrings just got a new chapter released, and you can get it from here. Let the chaos begin!

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So Many Followers... · 1:03am May 8th, 2016

Seriously guys, this is getting nuts. It wasn't that long ago that I broke 30 followers, and I check my user page to see I'm now at 38 followers, and that makes me happy. For real, seeing that you guys enjoy my stories (which is a miracle in itself, because I really should stick to an update schedule...) makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I like things that are warm. And fuzzy. And also things that are warm and fuzzy. In short, just keep sending me your warm fuzzies so that I may produce more horse words, and give you some warm fuzzies in return in the form of some quality (though with my stories, YMMV) updates.


Report Nova Arcanum · 358 views · Story: To Tartarus in a Saddlebag ·
Comments ( 1 )

I am happy to be following you my new friend. :)

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