I will love you all always. You have my email and I hope you all contact me. You were my biggest supporters for those who stuck around. And in the end, I'm glad you did. I will remember you all for days to come. DewSquiShee Hi World Shakespearicles (God I hope I spelled it right...) Tentacle Slaphappy (you were banned towards the end but you were still there)
I've already asked the famous moderator Meeester to ban me.
Don't believe me? Ask him yourself.
I will not be returning to this site for the rest of my days alive. I was born 1999. Do the math.
Today and tomorrow are your last days to get my contact info should this be dampening your day and you want to keep in touch. Email: thabigid1@outlook.com
Let's be honest. Nobody gives a fuck about my stories, about me as a person, they just follow me for followbacks. Fuck Fanfiction, it hurts to write because it takes so much shit just to get a story approved. Fuck being addicted to this shitty ass site, in which there are rules nobody follows. Fuck the fandom butt-hurt. Fuck EVERYTHING!!!
3912912 Whatdoya think?
3912931 It's awesome
3912945 Yay! ^-^