• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 6th, 2020


More Blog Posts20

  • 616 weeks
    A Few Parting Words, and a Last Thank You

    It's hard for me to put into words what I want to say right now, largely because I'm not sure I want to. But still, this is something that has been on my mind for quite some time, and I feel as if I have to get it out so I can stop thinking about it. So, here it goes.

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    7 comments · 1,498 views
  • 630 weeks
    I Want to Ask Something (Poll about TDMAIE...sorta)

    I know that most of my blogs get about 10 views, which makes sense, I'm not overly popular and people would rather read stories that blogs. But I do hope enough people read this, because I want to ask a question. A rather important one. To me at least.

    Would you care if I cancelled my story?

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    5 comments · 360 views
  • 635 weeks
    I've Been In a Bit Of a Rut Lately (TDMAIE news and update)

    What I mean, is that I haven't had the time or patience to sit down and finish writing chapter 6 of TDMAIE. I say finishing because that's quite literally all that needs to be done, I have about 80 percent of it done, and I know exactly how it's going to end. It's just that I can't freaking sit my ass down and plug in the last 400 words for the damn thing. One day I just hit a wall when I was

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    1 comments · 401 views
  • 639 weeks
    You Should Thank My Editor, Because of Him I'm Gonna Be Updating Soon (TDMAIE0

    Now, you've probably noticed that I haven't updated The Dragonborn's Magical Adventure in Equestria in.... well, a while. It's not that I don't want to update, I've just been using the time have to do other things, like to play through Amnesia: TDD, and buy an on sale version of Left 4 Dead 2 and have some fun online.

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  • 641 weeks
    Another Pointless Update for Anyone (no one) Who Cares (TDMAIE)

    It shouldn't surprise anyone that a glance at my story will reveal that I moved it from Incomplete status, to On Hiatus. My reasons behind doing so are rather simple; I haven't updated in over a month, and I just haven't been in the writing mood for a while. I've tried to resolve it in numerous ways before I just finally decided to lift a metaphorical finger to myself and update the status.

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    0 comments · 516 views

Wow, That Went Better Than Expected · 4:19pm Aug 30th, 2012

So the day of my Skyrim fanfic posting has passed, and right now I can only muster up the will to say two words.

Holy Shit!

When I released this I expected it to get maybe twenty views, a couple of likes and dislikes, and practically no favorites. Instead I got two hundreds twenty views, fifty seven favorites and thirty likes. That is way more than I was expecting, far more. So I want to take this time to thank each and every person who read my fic, every person who faved it, and every person who liked it. Thank you for reading and ignoring my hideous sentence transition. It means a lot to me. If you haven't read it yet, then it can be found on my page because I cannot for the sake of me get HTML to work.

Now, for a while back someone asked about when I would be updating. To be honest I can't tell. Ask anyone who favorited my previous fic (which was horrible) and they will generally say the same thing. You can't be sure with me. I'm a rather lazy person; I like to push things back until they're more convenient for me to do. That includes fanfics. I may release an update very soon, two days soon, or it may be in a month. Hell, I might just forget and never get around to it, I have done that before.

I do want to continue this though. It's my most successful story after all (the feature box is so close, yet so far!) and I don't want to disappoint the people who (somehow) liked it. If you find any errors of any type in it, grammar, canonical, etc, then please tell me about them. How can I improve if I'm not told how? It would take far longer and be rather inconvenient for me.

That's all for now, thanks again for reading, I'll see you later.

Oh, and those two who disliked it? I'm watching you, very very closely.

Report blackjack · 201 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

First comment fuck yeah you rock youb are so cool.

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