Who edits my things. · 9:03pm Apr 5th, 2016
I rarely make mistakes anymore since my time with The Prince of Darkness. Don't read that, it's garbage, but if you do read that. Like it because I ordered you to.
I do know the mistakes I make, but most of them can be ignored for the most part and I have been trying to rectify them by adding more words to my vocabulary. The mistakes I do make are; Word Choice, Passive Voice, Colloquial Language, Wordiness, the odd Complex sentence, and on the rare occasion; even grammar.
With that in mind. I don't have an editor, but I know that I am prone to make mistakes every now and again. Usually, I don't touch those that are listed above unless I was writing in a formal voice, which is never, but it should give what I write more flavor. It's just harder to write in and is a chore to edit. Anyways, dis is da more horiblllllle sentants i cwan wight!
Still, I has no editor, and don't plan on getting one...Ever!
also, the real ch 21 for trod is out.
I shall drop as like as ordered. Fair play to you that you're recognising your mistakes and learning from them!