• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday


By windward strides and holy ghosts, what rests beside the barren coasts?

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  • 372 weeks
    A Chapter Closing


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  • 411 weeks

    "You know," Luna said, sipping quietly at her cup of coffee, "We haven't heard much from you for the past few months. Has everything been alright?"

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  • 434 weeks

    You know that thing when you've been working on something and you just finished it? And then you read it and realize that it's thematically inappropriate, or oddly paced, or just plain bad? And then you realize you have to re-do about a week's worth of work? And then you are interrupted by the appearance of a young child that can only speak Russian, but they have the most unusual blue eyes, and a

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    7 comments · 1,106 views
  • 442 weeks
    Status report.

    So, hey.

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  • 452 weeks
    A bold new direction!

    I have good news, everyone!

    Due to recent events, I've come to realize that sustaining my current pace of work is simply not going to happen. In between my busy schedule of work, video games, crying in my shower, and training to beat the record for most packets of instant oatmeal cooked in a day, I'm simply swamped.

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A bold new direction! · 6:12am Apr 1st, 2016

I have good news, everyone!

Due to recent events, I've come to realize that sustaining my current pace of work is simply not going to happen. In between my busy schedule of work, video games, crying in my shower, and training to beat the record for most packets of instant oatmeal cooked in a day, I'm simply swamped.

That being said, I realize that you all want more horse words from me, so I've reached a compromise that I think will be best for everyone. As of now, the Sunfall Cycle is on indefinite hiatus, but fear not! For I have a new story on the way, one that will receive approximately one update per month. It involves me dating Princess Luna.

I kid, I kid. It involves chariots. Password is "Ben Hur"

I look forward to receiving your feedback in the coming weeks!

Comments ( 5 )

I think those are the 10 most depressing words I've read this year.

I shall wait. In the meantime, my Serale has to figure out how to un-anger Thor. I was late to the last DnD session thanks to fetching crickets. DM decided to get revenge on me for this by having Serale drive an ice column through the tree outside one of his most devout temples.

Sacrifice a goat. Thor loves him some goats.

But... but I need my gore, plotting and tragedy meals :applecry:

"Indefinite Hiatus"

Oh no :raritycry:

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