• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

More Blog Posts365

  • 5 weeks
    Happy New Year!

    2025, don't disappoint me.

    2 comments · 30 views
  • 6 weeks
    The Haul from 2024

    1. Sabaton Heroes T-shirt
    2. What do you Meme - Family Edition
    3. New bedsheets
    4. New Shaving Razor
    5. 2 pairs of max-grade protective earplugs
    6. New desk mat
    7. Socks and underwear (which I need)
    8. Long stretch t-shirts
    9. A tackle box of gummy candy

    And best of all…a JFK silver dollar from my late grandfather.

    Overall, best Christmas in quite some time!

    0 comments · 34 views
  • 6 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Or Festivus, or Chrysler, or whatever you celebrate!

    1 comments · 30 views
  • 10 weeks

    [you've got to find something better to do with your time.]

    Practice what you preach, Mr. "I have to insult people to feel better about myself, because I'm a toxic incel."

    Glass House!

    [well, that just goes to show that you're even more...distasteful then I realized]

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    5 comments · 169 views
  • 10 weeks
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    So, yeah. Happy Turkey day, guys and girls.

    I'm currently in Jacksonville, FL, because we're spending Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family. So far, everything's been great. I also hope to have a few new chapters published soon. I admit, I've been neglecting my writing because of life, gaming, and vacation stuff.

    However, I have plenty of ideas for where things can go from here.

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    2 comments · 32 views

HELP! · 9:24pm Mar 30th, 2016

So, I cancelled one of my stories, Pokeharmony, a Pokemon crossover, due to lack of response and the fact that a lot of things were wrong with it. (Writing, editing, all that jazz sucked.) So, I'm thinking of rebooting it but I need help. An editor or two, a planner, and a lot of writing assistants are needed. I can start and share on Google Drive, and I am willing to change to suit any ideas.

I already have a cast of characters, but I am accepting 3 OC's. (More on that later)

I really need help with this. This story is one of the ones I treasure especially, since I love Pokemon, and I really am sad about having to cancel it and disappointed about the lack of response. So, I really need help.

Any help appreciated.


Report Mkchief34 · 413 views · Story: Pokeharmony · #Pokemon #Help #help #pokemon #Mkchief34
Comments ( 1 )

hmm...OC's eh?
are they pokemon or Ponies?
lets see
a pokemon that achieves greatness in ignorance "well i can control this element when i use a move, therefore i am a whateverkinetic" and using those abilities in ways normal pokemon don't know how to...
a pokemon that uses its natural abilities to the fullest, i.e a water type that rather likes the fact that, "hey, i can breath underwater, lots of things can't, so its safer and more peaceful underwater" or a grass type that likes staying up in tree's, a Grovile that can make its arm leaves extra large, not enough for a leaf blade, but enough to semi-glide. {i mean look at it, the arm leaves already look kinda like wings cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/e/ea/253Grovyle.png/250px-253Grovyle.png img12.deviantart.net/31c5/i/2003/37/6/6/gliding_grovyle.jpg orig03.deviantart.net/deaa/f/2007/299/4/c/__wild_grovyle___by_cicuskamarichu.jpg

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