• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)

More Blog Posts971

  • 21 weeks
    Shameful Vent Post - ignore i guess

    Man, sometimes you just can't catch a break it feels like.

    ive been dealing with plumbing problems at the new place. and I'm a do-it-yourself-er from a family of do-it-yourselfers. I spent 8 hours after a very hard day trying to resolder copper pipe only for it to actually leak -worse- than when i first started. in a different place.

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    12 comments · 305 views
  • 23 weeks
    Looking for Research Help

    Hello folks. I'm doing some research for a story for the "Plot trope" of

    "Dungeons and Dragons gone Sexy"

    I know I released a story like this before and I am NOT promising a sequel, but lets say the muse bit me and im looking for ideas.

    Anyone got good examples of this plot/trope? Does not have to be pony.

    In before someone jokes "yes. research."

    3 comments · 142 views
  • 23 weeks
    Snarkcast Interview Live on Youtube now

    im tired

    1 comments · 86 views
  • 23 weeks
    Support a new review group

    Stolen from 7

    Hey everypony,

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    3 comments · 226 views
  • 24 weeks
    Being Interviewed by Snarkcast! with Anonpencil!

    Doing a stream being interviewd by Anonpencil on the new fancy barcast replacement. neat

    thanks to Muggony and Lucky Seven for inviting us on!

    Heres the youtube that itll be uploaded on when its live - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmeKAmSrIB60CTm0fKrIyg

    Twitch stream (live) RIGHT FUCKING NOWWWWWW: https://www.twitch.tv/roselucky7

    3 comments · 75 views

Celebrating April 1st in Style · 3:56pm Mar 29th, 2016

I have 2 things tentatively coming out for April 1st Weekend. A Lyler Fic as well as a little thing for fans of Office Love. Is it a new chapter? Is it funny? Why should fans of Man's Best Friend have their eye on this this as well? Hell if I know. If you're looking for a good laugh as I write a parody of my own work, then tune in for the Meta story on Friday. Also. Lyler will be getting a new chapter. I'm already groaning at the editing for this. I'm not prepared.

Also, Bendy will be on The Good HiE Podcast this Friday as well. It's gonna be a shit storm.

Thank you to everyone who jumped on the boat after I made "Just the Sip." I've never written Milky Way before, but it was fun. If there's more interest in little "Character One-Shots" with a second person perspective, I know a certain blone maned, blue eyed, white coated mare that would be very interested in getting her own little installment.

Babscon is in just a few weeks, stay tuned for a more formal blog about it. There's a lot to talk about, including the three panels I'll be on.

Report Flutterpriest · 452 views · Story: Just The Sip · #Ayy Lmao
Comments ( 7 )

Pony nationalism is the best nationalism.

including the three panels I'll be on.

Bullshit you will be. if you really go on there, mention having a heroin addiction or else an internet stranger will force a meme about Flutterpriest going to BabsCon was a hoax like the Holocaust, 9/11, Bigfoot, or game critics saying Deadly Premonition was shit.

Since when have I had a heroin addiction? :fluttershysad:

3835129 Since now! Everyone lies on the internet. For instance, my name is Noel and I have happiness!

3835707 We're here. We'll continue this conversation later, Zach.

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