Can you guys help me with something? · 11:09am Mar 22nd, 2016
Does anyone know how to permanently get rid of PMs in your inbox? My inbox is getting pretty big, and I'd like to get rid of some stuff in there. Is there something I'm missing, or do I have to request to get a message removed? If anyone knows how to get rid of them, please let know.
Just don't reply and they'll go away automatically.
3820343 Well I don't wanna not reply, I just want to empty my inbox.
3820944 Then it won't go away (that I know of). Once a certain PM is not used, it'll disapear.
There's a little check box next to them. Click that, then at the top of the list of PMs there should be a delete box. Or press 'Select all' to select a whole page.
Instead of that I just usually delete all but one of a conversation