• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'll see you starside, everyone. Through rain, shine, or clouds, and no matter what it takes...I'll carry you there if necessary.

More Blog Posts365

  • 5 weeks
    Happy New Year!

    2025, don't disappoint me.

    2 comments · 27 views
  • 6 weeks
    The Haul from 2024

    1. Sabaton Heroes T-shirt
    2. What do you Meme - Family Edition
    3. New bedsheets
    4. New Shaving Razor
    5. 2 pairs of max-grade protective earplugs
    6. New desk mat
    7. Socks and underwear (which I need)
    8. Long stretch t-shirts
    9. A tackle box of gummy candy

    And best of all…a JFK silver dollar from my late grandfather.

    Overall, best Christmas in quite some time!

    0 comments · 33 views
  • 6 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Or Festivus, or Chrysler, or whatever you celebrate!

    1 comments · 28 views
  • 9 weeks

    [you've got to find something better to do with your time.]

    Practice what you preach, Mr. "I have to insult people to feel better about myself, because I'm a toxic incel."

    Glass House!

    [well, that just goes to show that you're even more...distasteful then I realized]

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    5 comments · 167 views
  • 10 weeks
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    So, yeah. Happy Turkey day, guys and girls.

    I'm currently in Jacksonville, FL, because we're spending Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family. So far, everything's been great. I also hope to have a few new chapters published soon. I admit, I've been neglecting my writing because of life, gaming, and vacation stuff.

    However, I have plenty of ideas for where things can go from here.

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    2 comments · 30 views

So, I finally broke. · 10:44pm Mar 21st, 2016

Yeah, I rarely blog about what happens in my life, but here goes.

I'm an addict.

Not to drugs. To the Xbox 360 residing in my house.

I know, I know. It sucks. As I still live with my parents, (I'm only 7.5x2) I often have problems with their Xbox-restricting rules. It kinda blasted a big hole in our relationship, when I had to abort a Trials of Osiris Match (Still no Reflection sum) to eat dinner, and I was kinda down about my previous passage (6 wins, 3 losses), and my mom took this as another reason that the Xbox should be banned during the school week, even though she has tried that in the past, it never works. Well, I'm pretty sure she's gonna make it work this time. And then my dad gets in on the conversation. He and I, well, we've grown REALLY far apart since I hit puberty, and we're constantly fighting. Tonight, it really got almost heated. I will admit, it could have been worse, but It really stung. Mom basically said that the Xbox is clouding my judgement, and I think it is as of now. After 10 minutes of just deliberating on what to do, I got the guts and had an honest talk with my mom. Dad wasn't present, thank god, but we managed to compromise. But, I still have problems.

My problems with my big bro, who is recovering from a long depressive episode.

The complete deterioration of my school grades (I flunked my last semester math final, and the recent quiz I got back on the 21st.)

My feeling that I am slowly going to lose my humanity and self-awareness (I'm on at least 7 different medications by now for my Aspergers, ADHD, OCD, and more)

My unshakeable habit of tearing my nails (Not picking, TEARING and the fact that both of my thumbs and my left pinkie have half or all of the nail removed. It's not painful physically, just mentally. I often use a pencil to pick, don't get me started on that.)

My reliance on video games that has such a big reign over my life.

My ancient pornography addiction (Yes, yes, I watched them a few times. I played with fire, and I got burnt. Badly burnt. I'm recovering, and I'm never watching them again. To the porn industry, I say this. Way to go. Good job. You ruined me. You ruined my mind. You ruined my teen years. Get out of my life. I hate you. I HATE YOU!)

My many other problems, which are too many to list.

But I have a saying.

No matter how dark the night is, there's always sunrise.

To the people of the community of FIMFiction, to those who support my work, I say this.

Thank you.

You guys really are amazing. From Requiem17/That Forerunner, to Lightning Spear. To everyone who follows me, and favorites my work. You guys inspired me to keep going. To keep running through the storm. To keep my ship sailing.

You guys really are the best people I've ever met.

From when I joined, to now, I never knew how much I'd enjoy writing on this site. (I'm crying right now as I write this)

I have been stuck in the night, but the sun is rising on the horizon.

To all who have been there...

I say this.

Thank you.

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