Bad news... · 10:00pm Aug 26th, 2012
Welp, folks, it's finally happened. Summer is ending, and starting tomorrow it's back to school with me. I've got a heavy course load this semester, plus with school back in session I'll be able to meet with my RPing group again, which means I'll be spending a good chunk of time DMing. On top of all this, I've recently come down with a nasty and very stubborn cold, so I haven't really had the energy to write for the best few days. In short, life kinda sucks, I'm going to be very busy, and my writing schedule may take a hit because of it. I'll still try and get the chapters done in as close to a timely fashion as possible, but if it takes a while you'll know why.
On the brighter side, I have several friends at school who encourage me and help me with my writing, and I've been known to get frequent flashes of inspiration halfway through a lecture and spend the whole class furiously typing away about ponies. So, it's not all bad. Except for being sick. Being sick just sucks.
Well, I hope you get better soon, and don't worry about not writing as fast as you did in the past. As long as the quality stays up( and I don't think that it'll drop), everything is fine.
Ah, hope you get better, dude. Sorry to hear. I assume DMing is related to RPGing?
Darn it! Well, I surely can't do anything but wish you luck in your endeavors. Seing "Choices" finished would be nice, however... Sooner or later.
I hate bad news
Ah, it's not all bad! Lack of time is much less serious than, say, lack of inspiration or motivation! Good luck at school
Yeah, being sick sucks, especially when it doesn't happen often.
Don't try to rush; some of us are patient ... though it's not infinite...
Hmmm Writing Time equation, for KoolerKid
[TATW] = log [IoC] ( ( ( [BiC] ^ [VoLP] / [AoP] * ( [H] / 100 ) ) ^ [EoHA] ) / [BG] ) + [CoPC]
Variable definitions:
TATW= Time Available To Write
BiC = Boredom in Course
VoLP = Validity of Laptop Presence
AoP = Attentiveness of Professor
H = Health, (0-100 scale rating)
EoHA = Ease of Homework Assignments
IoC = Importance of Course
BG = Bucks Given about course
CoPC = Comments on Previous Chapter
Writing time is equal to the total given by the following steps:
1) Raise the Boredom in a Course to the power of the Validity of a Laptop's Presence in the classroom.
2) Divide this by how much attention the professor pays.
3) Multiply this by a percentile representation of Koolerkid's current health.
4) Raise to the power of Ease of Homework Assignments
5) Divide by how many bucks KoolerKid actually gives about the course
6) Find the Logarithmic value, with a base of how important the class actually is for his degree, of the total from Step 5.
7) Add the number of comments on the previous chapter.
And there you have the number of minutes he has to write this story in a given class period.
313688 DMing is a shortened term for being a 'Dungeon Master', used by people that play Dungeons & Dragons.
313843 Thanks.
This is one of the awesomest comments I've ever gotten on anything ever.
313835 *multiple anime blinks* Uhh... bless you???
Not just D&D, though that is where the term originated.
I've learned not to play D&D with my usual group. Inevitably, our group's resident loon will find an excuse to get a Necklace of Fireballs, and then there's not much I can do but watch my campaign die a horrible, screaming, and most of all burning death. Every. Bucking. Time.
313874 I've honestly never played D&D, mostly because no one around where I live is nerdy enough for it and I don't have any friends that live walking distance away. My computer is too crappy for DDO so that's out. The best that I can do is RP my characters in Skyrim, as that the closest I'll probably ever come to D&D.
I've also found that those that DM tend to write better stories as they have to give the party's dungeons and towns that their exploring enough detail to where they can envision it in their minds when they close their eyes, which is exactly what can make or break a story.
I know the feeling of the entire situation Kooler, all too well I'm sorry to saw.
Awww, that sucks. Get well soon!
For the non-D&D players out there, the Necklace of Fireballs is a necklace with a bunch of gems attached. If you detach and throw the gems, they turn into fireballs so basically what it says on the tin then. However, if the Necklace suffers a impact there's a chance that the gems might explode, possibly all at once. The last time we got one as loot, the character who got it (our much loved resident fairy dragon)'s facial expression changed from "wow, that's so cool" to "get it away from me" as we explained what it did.
In the end, I think he sold it.
PS: I apologise for the non standard use of the apostrophe in this comment. I'd like to think of it as simply being creative.
Nooo! I don't want summer to end...there is only one way I can save the summer
I'm going to have to...
Cold huh? Hope you get better...but at least you have us!
There's also the little side effect where, if you throw the entire necklace, it's basically a magical dungeon-destroying campaign-ruining nuke as every single fireball goes off at once. This makes your DM a very very sad person.
The good news is you're creeping up on 200 followers. You should have another poll when that happens!
Oh wait.
Ha. Aha ha ha. You're so funny. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Is it the logarithm that shoves it over the precipice?
Or the fact that I just taught everyone here Calculus?
Hold on... Presi... praci....
Both, I think.
Well, that sucks.
By the way, here in the Countries of the former Soviet Union, we start school on September 1st. Do you start earlier?
It varies from school to school, especially in college. Most colleges start a lot earlier then the public schools, though; this one's no exception.
Dammit Kooler! I thought that time-machine I sent you arrived!