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The Electric Stoat is coming... · 1:27am Mar 16th, 2016

...and it has an agenda.

Comments ( 13 )

You will see. You will love the electric stoat.

but will the lightning weasel thing love me?

Perhaps the plasma meerkat might, or might not. You'll find out next week. :twilightsmile:

That tag tho

3810236 Go lie back down man, I think your meds are kicking in hard.

you have stolen my cyberweasles (TM) sure they we less effective in making you write more AAG and they did accidently rip a hole in the space time continuum and replaced the whole county of brazil with en exact duplicate but program has merit and within budget of $24.95

Comment posted by NachoTheBrony deleted Mar 16th, 2016

Plaid or Corduroy socks?

I don't think I need to emphasize the importance of this question.

Thunder ocelot approves!


Oh, so THAT's what happened to AAG! And I just knew there was something off with Brazil these days, and that Zeka must be an inter dimensional invader. I just knew it!

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