• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 9th


appledash lover, and not too much else.

More Blog Posts120

  • 312 weeks
    hey yall

    Whats happening with you guys? I haven't really been on here much, lmao. But i guess i'm here for the time being. I should probably be doing homework right now, but eh. High school's neat, I've just started my sophomore year, which is wild. I think I made this account like... sixth grade or something? So it's been around a while, not that I use it much. The actual writing I was doing on here is

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    3 comments · 374 views
  • 369 weeks
    Hey guys!!

    Just wondering how everyone's doing today.

    8 comments · 374 views
  • 388 weeks
    I Met Darren Criss? (Also a Face Reveal!)

    Okay, so if you don't know who Darren Criss is, let's just say that he was on Glee, broadway, and recently guest starred on the Flash. Anyway, I'm visiting my cousins in Michigan, and we're at this deli. The adults are talking, so we head outside. I have my dad's phone, but I want to give it back to him because I'm not using it. But then I pass this guy, and I'm like... Is that Darren Criss?

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    5 comments · 410 views
  • 396 weeks
    I'm Alive

    Hey everyone!

    It's been a while. Hope you're all doing well. Sorry I haven't been on as much. My enthusiasm for MLP has been waning, and I've been a bit busy getting ready for high school (wow). Anyway, just checking in. How are you guys?


    5 comments · 335 views
  • 409 weeks
    Calm Down

    Guys. We need to calm down. There is nothing we can do now, and arguing does us no good. I know I'm barely on FIMfic anymore, but listen. Arguing won't help anything right now. We need to stay civil. That is the best thing for our country right now.

    3 comments · 431 views

Superheroes on FIMfiction · 11:47pm Mar 9th, 2016

Or shall I say, vigilantes?

Hey guys, been a while, eh? How'v you all been? After about three months of writer's block and NO inspiration, I've finally gotten an idea! I found an AWESOME online game, Town of Salem, and it's basically Mafia, with roles and stuff. I recommend checking it out if you're into that sort of thing.

Now to the focus of my blog.

It's drama season on FIMfic, and with drama comes depression and sides and all that. Sucks, right? But what I feel comes out of that, is a better person. Recently, I've seen users turn their acts around COMPLETELY. However, some people aren't happy with it. I can understand why. I mean, you can't please everyone, right? But understand, they are TRYING their darndest to be a better person. Give them tips, give them support, if you don't agree with them, JUST IGNORE IT.

I've seen users trying to be less dramatic, a supportive presence or mediator during drama, and even a help to the mods. Like I said, completely turning their FIMfic lives around.

And to them, I say nice job. You're making a difference, truly. Now, if you're going around and taking justice into your own hands, trust my avatar here, not many people are going to be satisfied. If it's blatantly breaking the rules, great job. But if it's just a tiny thing, you're gonna get some backlash. But if you're helping FIMfic to be a better place, it's fine by me.

I'm going to try to comment on blogs more. I've noticed a few blogs angrily saying that nobody pays any attention to them, and I want those blogs to die down. I don't want anyone to be lonely.

Have an AWESOME day!

Report viclouiis · 233 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

It can not be a better place until the rules are applied evenly.

3800195 Well, yeah. Obviously.

You play it too!?

3800204 Yeah. I usually name myself Rainbow Dash.

3800209 I name myself Breaker, I play a wicked Doc

3800216 The first time I got mayor, I clicked the reveal button D1 because I didn't know what it did. My friend is convinced that there's a Veterinarian role.

3800216 If you ever want to play, PM me!

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