Candy ponies! · 11:56pm Feb 29th, 2016
Those of you who are frequent/regular readers of my blog may recall that not all that long ago, I said that I liked to think of G3 pony Minty as being related to Twist. (If you don't, you can go read it; I'll wait here.)
If you check out Derpibooru, you can see there are a fair number of pictures of Minty drawn in a G4/FIM style, and there are lots of pictures of Twist (although never enough). But unless I missed one somewhere, there was only one pic of the two of them together, and it wasn't very good. It's a shame I can't draw worth a damn, because I would have done something about it. Fortunately, there are lots of talented people in the fandom who can draw worth a damn (and then some).
Rather recently, IJAB started doing free art giveaways every so often, and when he made his latest offer, I was one of the lucky randomly-selected winners. You can probably guess by now what sort of request I made. Check this out!
Here's more or less how I reacted:
IJAB asked me if I wanted to change anything, and I said no, it was perfect. 'Cause it is. It's gorgeous. This is the best thing since I got Andy freakin' Price himself to draw Twist for me at BronyCon. In short, i'm pleased. I gave a bit of thought to my request and set aside some pretty good ideas -- including filly Minuette, who looks super-adorable thanks to her braces -- but I think I made a good choice.
If you'd like to check out the full-size version -- which I recommend -- you can find it both here and here.
That's a really sweet picture.