• Member Since 16th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Young, Clueless, a dragon with hunger for a hoard of knowledge but my hoard is to be spread with friends, families and more.

More Blog Posts104

  • 21 weeks
    Any volunteers to read Dragon Tales?

    So I have been late to delivering Dragon Tale Stories for almost a year now and the main reason why is because it is more important for me to deliver the actual main story of The Dragon Lord series than the clop. But Ive notice that in recent months, more and more people are reading my dragon tales stories and want MORE. Like a lot more. I have three... no, four stories from there half finished

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  • 22 weeks
    Story up for Grabs 2

    Here is the Next list of stories

    A fate Altered (Rating E-T)
    Instead of the Mane Six that are chosen by the Elements of Harmony, it is the Student six, but earlier in their lives. Each one coming from different backgrounds but meeting as a whole, united in a goal to bring Peace and Harmony to Equestria. Can these six different species unite in together in this different timeline?

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  • 29 weeks
    Story Up For Grabs 1.

    So ive been going through my old works and untouched/unfished and wanted to get rid of these before I leave the fandom if anyone is down to read them. Im willing to help out in anway but I have no intention of touching these as with my final stories here being the last ones I will ever do here, I'd rather the ideas either not die or have someone do them if they want. They are either unfinished or

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  • 30 weeks
    Regarding A.I Art for Practical Use Here

    So... I know we all hate A.I, as it tears away from hard working artists and true passion away from those who show their skills off to the world. It can be used as an amazing tool but I still support those of free driven artists who put time and soul for their work. I personally will NOT use them as cover Art for my work but... I was wondering what you, as my readers would think that I use them

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    5 comments · 188 views
  • 61 weeks
    Birthday Yay? Updates and More

    So Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 31. :unsuresweetie: Yeah, nothing too exciting.

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Alright now... Whats the deal? · 5:09pm Aug 24th, 2012

I know many, in fact thousands if not millions of people had finally decided, including the producers of the show, to call the earth pony with hour glass cutie mark Doctor Whooves.
I like it, honestly I do and because of him, I got hooked onto the Tv series. But one thing that bugs me is that no matter how many doctor whooves stories there are....
No one has created a mature rating story for him? WHy?

I get that in the show, he is a kind(somewhat) loving alien dude that picks up girls. But doesn't that mean he should hook up with them? I mean in almost everyt Doctor crossover here on Fimfiction or deviantart or elsewhere, there is little to no mature ratings on them. If it is mature ratings, then... they are either grimdark, or some other crap where he is not primarly involed. I may have read only like one clop story of doctor but that was with another male. REALLY?
I got nothing against colt cuddlers in stories, hell I enjoy them but the first story of any relationships of clopping kind with the doctor is with a male? COme one!!

If i had the chance which i dont, i would do my own doctor ship fic. Currently i am working on four stories at a single time. Honestly I have the storyline set up for the Doctor but have no time to do it.
I have the plot, settings and even characters down.

If you want, whoever is reading this, I can send over a draft, the first few paragraphs of the story if you wish to choose to write it. I only had time to do the paragraphs when I was bored in class and started writing crap down.
I do have to say one thing though. I have to seperate stories. One is just a simple ship fic between the doctor and Derpy. THE OTHER ONE... is he is a little out of it and goes with Derpy, her family DInky and Sparkler throughout time to explore the universe, all the while having fun with each other and others as well.

So if any of you wish to try these out please let me know down below.

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