On Obscurity · 7:58pm Feb 17th, 2016
Looking at this site on my occasional browsing, it occurs to me just how much dang pony fics there are that have arisen these past five or so years. Mountains of literature ranging from the inane to the sublime, and all of it for one particular subsection of fan fiction. Can be overwhelming to the casual reader, and intimidating to those who want to get into the writing chaos. Which begs the question: why so much? Why devote so much time and words to stories that are essentially for a niche readership that can really get nowhere in real world publishing unless serious changes are made? When your work really has no greater intrinsic value to the world at large, that will ultimately go unnoticed by society and history in general, what motivates you to even bother, especially when there's already thousands of stories already out there, a good many of them better received than yours?
It's thoughts like these that make it hard for me to put much stock into fan fiction, to take it seriously like a lot of other writers do. When you have these writers still writing the same story in the hundred thousands, even past the million word mark, you wonder what is the point in the grand scheme. I tell myself that I write these silly stories as a diversion, for amusement. But there's these authorities in pony literature who judge these fancies like actual stories worth legitimate publication. What for? I guess in their hearts they would like to believe that their critiques go toward improving the individual as a writer, to move beyond fan fiction and make a story worth sharing with the rest of the world, unhindered by using someone else's creations to get a message or an experience across. But again, for those who stick to ponies when writing out their novel-length stories, why go through with it for so long? Is it simply a long-term hobby, or do they believe that they are straight masterpieces? What else do they have going on in their lives, I wonder. I sincerely hope they have more interesting, worthwhile things going on, and that fanfics are indeed just a diversion or a bit of stress relief.
I'm all mixed and a bit jaded on the matter. I love to write things for my amusement, but I also love getting feedback from others. Something of a community aspect that I haven't had in several years, from a community that helped improve my writing so much. I guess this whole thing is stemming from my want for attention, despite not going with what's popular. To know that my little self diversions are doing some good for someone else as well, be it making them chuckle, tugging their hearts, or even making them think about life in general. I dunno. I guess this comes off a bit as whining, especially when I'm not as "active in the fandom" as others are. Yet by getting more involved, I also risk being a gushing fanboy who can't look at things objectively. It's something of a nuisance on my part, so I try to maintain some level of detachment. Because after all, it's a big world out there full of wildly varied histories, cultures and points of views. Can't experience all of it if you just relegate yourself to one particular mindset or community.
So yeah, kind of got into downer territory there, sorry. But I would like to ask you, the fifty some-odd followers who read my works (or at least this blog), what motivates you to write pony fics in such a saturated market? What do you do to stand out from the rest to get noticed? Or are you in it for something more than popularity? Is it simply a hobby? Writing exercise? A means to troll others for funsies? Of course, that mainly applies to those of you have written/in the process of writing things. But for you non-writers, feel free to weigh in with your own thoughts and opinions.
And, just one last thing. *Removes glasses* PresentPerfect, if you're reading this, I would like to say thanks again for the few times in which you make a comment on any of my silly posts/stories. I miss those chat days, and though you're a head honcho here on good ol' FimFic, it's touching to be reminded that an obscure writer like myself can still matter. That even what I write isn't the most sublime, or streamlined, or engaging, there are those will will read it and like it, possibly love it. Thoughts like that... make me want to put in the effort. Even when that effort goes towards Rick Rolling a writing contest, or making a story based solely around a three second YouTube clip. Really, it's the knowledge of having an audience, no matter how small, that makes it a bit more meaningful.
*Glasses up* Right, enough sappiness; let's go see what's on Imgur. Until next time, folks: all the best ;)
Being an avid reader in any fanfiction 'fandom' is a pretty daunting task with so many stories these days, constantly having 1200 stories to read and more is a task fit for non-mortals honestly. But, that just makes the people whos story you do read right away more special. I kinda feel guilty sometimes that there are so many amazing stories out there and I can read them all for free.
h0i! :V
Heh, that's right: the free factor. When people can't be bothered to go to the library or buy their own books, fanfiction does provide free literature at one's fingertips. Although there isn't that much in terms of quality control, so those amazing stories can be hard to come by. And plus, there's more than just pony fanfics out there as well...
You mean "raises the question".