• Member Since 16th Mar, 2012
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Young, Clueless, a dragon with hunger for a hoard of knowledge but my hoard is to be spread with friends, families and more.

More Blog Posts104

  • 21 weeks
    Any volunteers to read Dragon Tales?

    So I have been late to delivering Dragon Tale Stories for almost a year now and the main reason why is because it is more important for me to deliver the actual main story of The Dragon Lord series than the clop. But Ive notice that in recent months, more and more people are reading my dragon tales stories and want MORE. Like a lot more. I have three... no, four stories from there half finished

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  • 22 weeks
    Story up for Grabs 2

    Here is the Next list of stories

    A fate Altered (Rating E-T)
    Instead of the Mane Six that are chosen by the Elements of Harmony, it is the Student six, but earlier in their lives. Each one coming from different backgrounds but meeting as a whole, united in a goal to bring Peace and Harmony to Equestria. Can these six different species unite in together in this different timeline?

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  • 28 weeks
    Story Up For Grabs 1.

    So ive been going through my old works and untouched/unfished and wanted to get rid of these before I leave the fandom if anyone is down to read them. Im willing to help out in anway but I have no intention of touching these as with my final stories here being the last ones I will ever do here, I'd rather the ideas either not die or have someone do them if they want. They are either unfinished or

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  • 30 weeks
    Regarding A.I Art for Practical Use Here

    So... I know we all hate A.I, as it tears away from hard working artists and true passion away from those who show their skills off to the world. It can be used as an amazing tool but I still support those of free driven artists who put time and soul for their work. I personally will NOT use them as cover Art for my work but... I was wondering what you, as my readers would think that I use them

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  • 61 weeks
    Birthday Yay? Updates and More

    So Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 31. :unsuresweetie: Yeah, nothing too exciting.

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So fucking tired of Lyra, Pinkie and many others. Ill explain · 11:03pm Aug 21st, 2012

Yes... for all you pony loving bronies and pega-sisters, I am so fucking tired of Lyra, Pinkie and a few others. First is Lyra.
Lyra was to be one of the few backround ponies that I never carred for much except when she was given a few scenes and no voice (which i enjoed for the time). Then something happened that made me want to punch either the artist or just the character. They made it so she sat on her ass, when clearly she was not.
I read this from one of the articles from the producers which stated"I mean, I sit oddly one time to crack my back, and I get a reputation." — Lyra, from Sepia Tock. HER FUCKING BACK!
Not to be human! And when she was getting a drink, they forgot to do the magic part so they put her hooves around it. AROUND IT! NOT WISHING FOR HANDS OR FINGERS!

Her goddam fucking obssessions for humans its what makes me hate the characters and the people behind her making her want to be obssesed with it. DID ANY OF YOU LEARN NOTHING OF THE PREVIOUS GENERATIONS WHEN HUMANS WHERE THERE AND RUINED THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!
CLEARLY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Next subject is Pinkie Pie a.k.a... the most annoying character of the show up to the last three episodes. Now, i honestly before never minded Pinkie. WHY? Cause she got me hooked to this show by making me laugh. And I enjoyed her roles through season one and up to half of season two. But when the MMMystery episode and Friends in Need episode came.... I felt so pissed. Like through my t.v. out the window pissed. They turned a perfectly funny character into the most retarted pony on the show, even worse then Derpy. She spoke like a retarted, the animations made it worse and from there to the end of Season 2, i got annoyed by it. Again, they ruined a perfectly good character! As soon as MMMystery and the Friends in Need episode or whatever passed, I hit my head for watching it.

Another thing is with her and Breaking the Fourth Wall. IT ONLY HAPPENED TWICE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ever since then, Pinkie crosses over to other shit and by devil or god or whoever the fuck you worship, i wished to punch the artist behind each drawing. Again, i have no problem much with the character but people have the tendacies to fuck and disrespect a character.

The last few are just minor character like Bareburn. First off, hes a Cowboy, not gay. I fucking hate that another character is ruined by people. I dont mind the shipping of colt cuddlers nor do I mind that people bare him up with other colts or that I am against gay rights! Not I dont mind that, what i do mind is that people fuck it up and state him as gay!

You know what? WHen I first saw Doctor Whooves on the show, I thought he was the one that is going to get all the gay shippin! I swear, just the name, clearly stated one thing one my mind.... GAY!! But when i saw Braeburn images with him and other colts, I was annoyed once again. Hell even Celestia's gurads got more influence at being gay cause there is nothing but males in that frecking castle.

Last but not least is....humans. Yes i am discrediting my own race but what a fucked up race we are. Every frecking fic that has had a human in it, I have not touched. I dont even read the paragraphs? Why cause in the story, the human fucks everything up...ALWAYS!!!! SO, what i do is naturally is skip any part that mentions humans in it, even if it does not have the tag. I something even tumbs down the story if it carries the tag. I know it is fucked up and I am stopping but it just so hard not to.

I hope that those who read this are angered towards me but not my stories. I stated what i wanted to state for a long time. I know many of you will say, why dont you stop watching the tv show, or just ignore everything else, or why do you even bother?

Reason why is cause this show is sorta keeping me alive. this show is changing me slowly and I am so glad for it. I am so glad that this show has taught me so many fundementals and what so many people from this show have given to us. But people out there are screwing it up for me and that is what is breaking me apart. I cant stand to lose a show to bullshit. To some it may just be a show but to others, this show is changing lifes and I for one am enjoying what MLP has been bringing me.

Report Star_Draco · 205 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Don't care about Lyra because she is a background character and I don't read anything about her but I totally support you on Pinkie Pie. The more episodes I watched with her the more I wished Gilda gutted her. She has the most obnoxious moments of all the characters, and when you take into accounts some god awful Rarity / Rainbow Dash episodes it's saying a lot.

Indeed. I honestly dont mind that they try to make her funny by being a little bit more annoying but making her completly stupid? I just gotta say' FUCK!

You should put your efforts in working out your things before attempting to change those you have no control over. You sanity might suffer less that way. And Lyra's personality is fanon. Sure, fans can be stupid, but there are going to be ups and downs in every fanbase, whether you like it or not. Raging at it will not change the fanon. And clearly, you haven't really watched the old generations. The reasons they sucked was because there were no plot lines, no character development and no personalities. It was just shoving ponies in your face. And that is the main reason bronies are frowned upon.

Also, Pinkie was made to be random, just like Derpy was made to be a total klutz. Everypony knows that. Random may also include obnoxious. So, now you hate her because the writers decided to do something more serious with Pinkie while keeping her random.

For the rest, subjective arguments that show you are butthurt with the fandom.

I agree one hundred percent! Imo the fanfic business should be run by certain key individuals to prevent screwups rather than have everyone write whatever the heck they want.

LOL I can see where it went off but then again, you are right, you can't be happy with every fandom... and your right. I barely watched any of the old G series. I try to avoid them.... like fifty foot radius away. But your right... I am a bit off and sanity hasnt been my strong suit since.... my childhood. Even now its off!:pinkiecrazy:

LOL I can see where it went off but then again, you are right, you can't be happy with every fandom... and your right. I barely watched any of the old G series. I try to avoid them.... like fifty foot radius away. But your right... I am a bit off and sanity hasnt been my strong suit since.... my childhood. Even now its off!:pinkiecrazy>>304187
Yes and I am happy that many agree with me!:twilightsmile:


Mmh... so let me get this straight, first you are lecturing him about his rant and then you are insulting him out of the blue. Let's not forget the "you have no right to hate what I love!" part. Not a firm believer in the "Love and tolerate" lesson I guess?

Its alright. I had plenty of that before. I'm just glad that few like you read my thoughts and speak your minds.

Hmm, assumptions, assumptions. Sarcasm is not insulting nor is being nonchalant. And actually, I'm pretty tolerant about everything and anything, except if you shove it in my face, like MLD was, to which I analyzed thoroughly and clearly saw that it was of extremely low quality. You have the right to like it, but don't try to convince me that it's good, 'cause I won't be listening.

Returning on the matter, I was speaking an opinion while being objective until the few last sentences. And, where have I shown the "you have no right to hate what I love" part? I was speaking out facts. In this case, you are the one directly attacking me right now, and I am defending my opinions, which is a legal and normal behavior.


I never meant to be overly offensive. I was just trying to be objective about what you talked about. In the end, objectivity and subjectivity both require the speaker/poster to share an opinion on different levels.


Because proposing someone cream for his butthurt is a subtle sarcasm, not a poor attempt to degrade its recipient? That and the fact that using such an elaborated taunt is surely a proof of maturity, for someone implying the acts of the other are childish and hypocritical. And if you acted yourself as a child while accusing another of such behaviour, wouldn't it make you an hypocrite as well?
Pardon me if I have some doubts regarding your true intentions if you feel obligated to use such expedients when you pretend to educate people. Especially after reading your blog post where you don't make mystery of your own frustrations as a fanfic author. So are you on some kind of a crusade to slain the heretic?
By the way if you say this was shoved in the face, wouldn't it mean you took it personally or or is it just a misguided choice of word?

Now if you consider demonstrating someone the wrong of his subjective opinion, like you admitted yourself, by an enlightened demonstration supported by facts, perhaps you can share more of your wisdom and explain us while one should be refused the right to dislike a character without being treated as a simpleton? Who knows, you could even demonstrate how pancakes taste better than waffles :trollestia:


Oooh. I like Ad Hominems. They're so cute :3

However, it would be easier to communicate if either party wasn't trying to slash at the other's throat. And if I wrote this whole thing, as you may have noticed, it was to represent a massive facehoof. I have my dislikes as well, namely Celestia and Rarity, but you don't see my whining about how I dislike them all over the interwebs. The point is, you have the right to have an opinion, like everyone else in this. Although some of them are better kept to oneself.

Also, I made my blog post when I noticed that not not many knew anything about alicorns, other than them being royalty and overpowered, and worshiped them like that and kept judging my OC because of everything she was. I won't go back on that since I made my point there, but I do not wish to go on a crusade against the heretics. I just wanted to remind people that nothing was known on alicorns and that judging them just because of the canon, which wasn't proved and still isn't proved, was wrong.

No, I was giving an example of things that may get shoved into my face, such as MLD for example. This blog was in no way shoving stuff in my face. It takes more than that for me to take it personally. And I haven't taken away his right to dislike a character. I was just saying his reasons for hating said characters were slightly off as this is what the fandom has elaborated for those characters, plus we should not forget the free shipping fics, which are totally not serious most of the time.

If I offended anyone with my comments, then you have every right to ignore them if you so wish. Then again, I did speak out of term on small occasions, such as my weak attempts at performing Ad Hominem, so you might as well ignore those small parts. I have a better idea; I'll just remove them.


Amusingly enough you didn't seem to notice I don't challenge your preferences. Yet perhaps I am missing something, I would be grateful if you could remember me where I argued against your personal opinions on the characters? At the contrary it seemed we both agreed on the subjectivity of such matter, then why would it be in my interest to deny you the privilege of expressing an opinion?

Yet you seem to make assumptions yourself now, as you claim I am resorting to personal attacks when all I did was bring to light and question your obvious attempt to belittle your interlocutor. But perhaps this dubious behavior was not a slip, but rather a natural trait of your? I would have to give you reason then, this would categorize as an Ad Hominem... not that would be my initial intention.

Now if you redacted your whole well-thought and rational initial paragraph to slip to a less than reasonable conclusion without having planned it all along, I would be more than surprised of such a sudden change of mood for no apparent reason. As you pointed yourself there is no right of wrong in matter of suggestive opinions, yet should it dispenses you to talk to the poster of this blog with the respect due to a fellow member? Of course I could have missed some kind of rule regarding special treatments...
Beside don't you think your lessons would have a greater impact if you dispensed yourself of resorting to offending remarks?


Of course, I agree wholeheartedly with you. However, I was simply giving an example that anyone had a right to dislike certain characters. Sadly, I don't think arguing any longer is going to solve anything as I am now facing a lost battle.

I have always been more on the defensive than on the offensive, and I do sometimes take neutral things as being personally aimed at me, but that is something I am trying to work on. Of course, nothing is gained by doing what you are telling yourself to stop doing..

In the end, I don't think pursuing this would be of further use as I myself have recognized I was in the wrong and acted before thinking. I should also remove my other posts, if the original poster wants such a thing. Finally, I don't want anymore trouble, and I am not trying to antagonize you since such an act would be extremely immature. Let's just call a truce at this and try to remain peaceful towards each other from now on.

Yes. I know I have extreme mood swings but that's what happens when you are trying to change the person you are. I'm slightly conflicted between how I used to act and how I should act and sometimes, I use the former by instinct.

The Eclipsed One
Raine Moon


Things are fine by me, I was just making sure it was just a slip and not a recurring habit. It's not always easy to keep in mind we are addressing to people when getting carried away, but it's always a good thing to remember what it is to be on the other side. Apprehending this is not always pleasant but in the long term it makes things better for everyone. Anyway no hard feelings on my side, and I guess Little_Draco will agree on this as well.

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