• Member Since 9th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2019


"Writers are vain, selfish and lazy." ~George Orwell

More Blog Posts44

  • 320 weeks
    What's this?


    2 comments · 384 views
  • 457 weeks
    Hitch a Ride reading

    Cool! I got a fanfic reading by Dr. Renegade (who has an accent and that makes everything better) here.

    0 comments · 388 views
  • 462 weeks
    Making Meaningful Blog Posts

    Instead of the occasional dumb post I make in the form of a blog, what do people think of me taking genuine effort to put good content in my blog posts? I'd occasionally do stuff revolving around stories, but I wanted to know if stuff like writing tips, my personal style, talking about stuff, reviews, etc would be well-received. I've got a bunch of ideas and I love to talk, so it wouldn't be me

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    2 comments · 411 views
  • 463 weeks
    Full Work on OTHAFA

    Hey, I know I've been kind of an inactive guy when it comes to updating OTHAFA—most of that is because I was off of the site for the better part of... 2 years? 1 and a half? I can't remember. Either way, January was mainly my time for finishing off The Dancer (and if you haven't read it, I would recommend it). Now that it's finished, I'm going right back into the adventure. It should update a lot

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    2 comments · 343 views
  • 463 weeks
    Final Thoughts on The Dancer—Yes, It's Done

    Yes, it's done.

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    0 comments · 495 views

Full Work on OTHAFA · 3:51am Jan 24th, 2016

Hey, I know I've been kind of an inactive guy when it comes to updating OTHAFA—most of that is because I was off of the site for the better part of... 2 years? 1 and a half? I can't remember. Either way, January was mainly my time for finishing off The Dancer (and if you haven't read it, I would recommend it). Now that it's finished, I'm going right back into the adventure. It should update a lot more frequently since I pretty well have most of it laid out for the next little while.

Still, even if I updated this once a week, it would take a long time to finish this. I've got a lot planned.

Report Yip · 343 views · Story: Over the Hills and Far Away ·
Comments ( 2 )


It should update a lot more frequently since I pretty well have most of it laid out for the next little while.


Still, even if I updated this once a week, it would take a long time to finish this. I've got a lot planned.


Gimme a shout if you need some editing again. I'd be happy to help.

Over the Hills is back on?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXpwPDTrTPU

I'll second all that. If you need another editor, Yipyap, I'd love to lend a hand on this.

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