• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 9th


appledash lover, and not too much else.

More Blog Posts120

  • 312 weeks
    hey yall

    Whats happening with you guys? I haven't really been on here much, lmao. But i guess i'm here for the time being. I should probably be doing homework right now, but eh. High school's neat, I've just started my sophomore year, which is wild. I think I made this account like... sixth grade or something? So it's been around a while, not that I use it much. The actual writing I was doing on here is

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    3 comments · 374 views
  • 369 weeks
    Hey guys!!

    Just wondering how everyone's doing today.

    8 comments · 374 views
  • 387 weeks
    I Met Darren Criss? (Also a Face Reveal!)

    Okay, so if you don't know who Darren Criss is, let's just say that he was on Glee, broadway, and recently guest starred on the Flash. Anyway, I'm visiting my cousins in Michigan, and we're at this deli. The adults are talking, so we head outside. I have my dad's phone, but I want to give it back to him because I'm not using it. But then I pass this guy, and I'm like... Is that Darren Criss?

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    5 comments · 410 views
  • 396 weeks
    I'm Alive

    Hey everyone!

    It's been a while. Hope you're all doing well. Sorry I haven't been on as much. My enthusiasm for MLP has been waning, and I've been a bit busy getting ready for high school (wow). Anyway, just checking in. How are you guys?


    5 comments · 335 views
  • 409 weeks
    Calm Down

    Guys. We need to calm down. There is nothing we can do now, and arguing does us no good. I know I'm barely on FIMfic anymore, but listen. Arguing won't help anything right now. We need to stay civil. That is the best thing for our country right now.

    3 comments · 431 views

Holy... Crap... · 2:45am Jan 17th, 2016

Did that really just happen? Am I dreaming? I feel like I am. The past 48 hours blur together, every feeling intensified by stress. Tests, lock down drill, walk home, a special secret, part one, family, advice, good lucks, hurry to get ready in the morning, family, friends, crushes, stress and nervousness and excitement x 9000<, and I did it. I actually did it. In front of teachers and friends and family and people on the live stream. The party afterwards had food and friends and family and a photo booth and one crazy six year old 2nd cousin who knew karate and attacked me, and his twin who kept picking up my friends. And then people started leaving, until it was just one group of family friends, and family. They were all staying at the same hotel, so we got on bathing suits to go swimming. We did, and we used the exercise room and watched the lego movie and then the incredibles. It was awesome. So tell me. Am I dreaming?

Report viclouiis · 200 views ·
Comments ( 7 )


Dahell did I just read.

3692010 I dont either but it seems like you took a shot of LSD and passed out....

3692019 What? Nope, lol. As I said in my last blog, huge life event. People came from all over and gave me money and cards and stuff.

You aren't dreaming; it happened to me, too.

You did a great job!

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