Thinking about Finally uploading some FiM fiction of my own. · 11:02pm Dec 29th, 2015
H..hello everypony,
I'm still rather new to the site itself.. and not sure who will even take the time to look at this.. however I appreciate those that do take the time to read this
I've been a fan of the show since it aired, and have been following the brony community for a few years now. Mostly it's been just admiring the works of others as.. well i'm the most confident of ponies when it comes to putting my work out there.. or socializing with others... Lately however I've been thinking about finally taking a chance and uploading some FiM based fanfics of my own. I'm not sure how people will react to what i write, but as Fluttershy overcame her stage fright I'm taking the first step to try and overcome my own shyness in some regards. Not sure when I'll put my first piece up as i'm still working on it, but when I do upload it I hope you'll give it a read and let me know what you think.
One thing I feel I should mention before I upload anything are the couples i can prefer. Some of them i've seen many places and most people seem to be ok with, such as Fluttershy/Discord, Pinkie/Cheese, or Derpy and Doctor Whooves. Others I've seen and like but i've noticed there are those that aren't a fan of them such as Applejack/Spike and yes Twilight/Flash Sentry. *hides from stones that would be thrown at her* I have my reasons for why i like these pairings though to avoid arguments I'll keep them to myself unless someone asks me directly. As for pairings for Rarity as well as Rainbow Dash I don't really have favored pairings for them. I've seen some good pairings for each but none of them seem to be pairings i could see myself writing much on.
If the pairings I may write about aren't your cup of tea I understand, all I ask is that if you do read my work and come across a pairing you don't approve of you be respectful and not flame my works because of said pairings.
With all this being said.. I shall bid you all adieu while i go hide back under my covers as I've used up all my social strength for the day...