• Member Since 11th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


A Brony in Denial

More Blog Posts5

  • 301 weeks
    News and Submit Your Own Character

    Hello all,

    So a couple updates since my last chapter and blog post. As y'all know my most popular story on this site is Railway Crusaders. Over the next few days I will be starting the process of cross-posting it to my accounts on Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own. That's right, This Brony is no longer in denial.

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  • 466 weeks
    Happy Holidays, and Apologies.

    Remember how I promised a Railway Crusaders Christmas special starring Babs Seed? How I promised ya'll a holiday short story during the most hectic time of the year? Well, sorry to say it won't happen. Not only was I just not feeling it the more I wrote, but tragedy struck just a week after my last blog post. My five year old computer's hard drive finally gave up the ghost, and though all my

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  • 470 weeks
    Railway Crusaders Holiday Special

    The next chapter of Railway Crusaders is almost ready, so now it's time to get started on the Hearths Warming Special! I was halfway through the latest chapter when I realized I forgot Babs Seed! So to that end, the holiday special will star Apple Bloom's Manehattanite cousin learning the true meaning of the season, aboard a true legend of the rails!

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  • 472 weeks
    Update Blog

    This blog has just one purpose. At 10:05 this morning, we made the decision to put Roslin, by Best furry Friend of nine years, to sleep forever. Her appetite seemed to return yesterday, but she began vomiting early this morning, and her breathing was labored. She could barely stand.

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  • 472 weeks
    To All My Readers

    For everyone who reads my stories here on Fimfiction, I'd like to apologize for not updating them as quickly as you, or I for that matter, would like. I've already mentioned in a few authors notes that my writing often times has to take a back seat to my school work, but now there's a something else on the board as well.

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Happy Holidays, and Apologies. · 6:23am Dec 26th, 2015

Remember how I promised a Railway Crusaders Christmas special starring Babs Seed? How I promised ya'll a holiday short story during the most hectic time of the year? Well, sorry to say it won't happen. Not only was I just not feeling it the more I wrote, but tragedy struck just a week after my last blog post. My five year old computer's hard drive finally gave up the ghost, and though all my stories and drafts are safe on Google Drive, I've been relying on my brothers laptop for internet access these past weeks. Between borrowing a computer and holiday shopping I didn't get near as much writing done as I wanted too, so here's my best holiday apology.

Now time for goods news. I know now exactly how I want to bring Babs into the story, and its going to be on her own snippet chapters in between the main crusaders arcs. They'll revolve around her meeting and befriending her own band of talking trains in Manehattan, both on the land, and in the sea.

I Hope everyone had a merry Christmas and is on track to a Happy New Year.

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