• Member Since 12th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen January 14th

Draco Loco

Lots of ideas for fics, not enough motivation to wright them all, only one, for now.

More Blog Posts15

  • 448 weeks
    Story idea #14 and #15

    Discord holds a multi verse wide eating contest.

    What if Starswirl The Bearded was a timelord?

    Both of these are up for adoption, but it's likely there may be stories like these out there already, and if so, I'd like to know about them.

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  • 459 weeks
    Something i feel must be said.

    Reformed characters and how Twilight interacts with them.

    Luna: In Twilights eyes, Luna and Nightmare Moon are two different pony's, so she treats Luna with respect.

    Discord: He perposfully antagonizes her, so she is hostile towards him while throwing him a bone once in a while.

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  • 459 weeks
    Story Idea #13

    This is going to be a long one, because instead of just writing out a basic idea, I'm going to write out a short scene.

    A woman appeared on screen. "You've played Airsoft." A window opened up on screen with footage of people playing a game of Airsoft. "You've played Paintball." And another showing people playing Paintball. "You've played laser tag." And again with laser tag. "But you've

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    0 comments · 377 views
  • 459 weeks
    Story Idea #12

    This hasn't left my head for over a month.

    Sunset Shimmer gets recruited by the O.W.C.A.

    Same rules as the other times; Use it, let me know, find it already out there, let me know.

    3 comments · 318 views
  • 470 weeks
    Story Idea #11 (sorta)

    Am I the only one who thinks that a scene involving Sunset telling the Humane Five that ponys in Equestria have prehensile tails(I'm almost certain that Pinkie is the only one with a prehensile mane) would be funny?

    Please link me to a fic that has this scene in it somewhere.

    2 comments · 349 views

Story Idea #3 · 1:21am Dec 13th, 2015

OK, so yesterday I was watching "Disney's A Christmas Carol", and then I suddenly thought "and people say a person can't change overnight". Then I remembered people Sunset's redemption at the end of the first movie, when it first came out, was unrealistic, or something. So now I want to see a story were, at the end of the first movie, the elements did an "A Christmas Carol" style redemption for Sunset.

Once again, if you write a story using this idea, or have seen this idea used in a story, link me to it.

Report Draco Loco · 242 views · #Sunset Shimmer
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