• Member Since 14th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 23rd, 2024


I love writing and MLP. So....I think I'm in the right place.

More Blog Posts4

  • 448 weeks
    And So It Ends...

    As I was wrapping up the epilogue for Wear Flowers in Your Mane, I only just came to realize that I was finally finishing something that I began over two years ago. Additionally, I also realized that I was finishing the lengthiest fanfiction project I've ever started, for FiM or otherwise. So I figured that this was probably an occasion worth making a blog post over.

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    5 comments · 653 views
  • 479 weeks
    Sorry again, guys.

    I feel the need to apologize for my inactivity lately. Once again, the demands of college have laid waste to my writing time. The semester is winding down, which for me means lengthy research papers and final exams that cover everything from the entire semester. In other words, I've been pretty busy.

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    3 comments · 452 views
  • 507 weeks
    Just Checking In

    Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I'm still around. Unfortunately, my college classes coupled with work pretty much slowed my fanfiction writing to a crawl, but thankfully, I'm done for the summer! So that's at least one less distraction I have now. :ajsmug:

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    2 comments · 396 views
  • 524 weeks
    Chapter 7 coming soon.

    I apologize for the long delay for Chapter 7. I realize that it's now been exactly three months since I've last updated this story, which honestly came as a shock to me since I could have sworn that I released that last chapter in early November sometime, which justified my decision to put it off since I didn't think anyone had really been waiting that long for it. (I'm too damn young to

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    4 comments · 366 views

Sorry again, guys. · 3:15am Dec 3rd, 2015

I feel the need to apologize for my inactivity lately. Once again, the demands of college have laid waste to my writing time. The semester is winding down, which for me means lengthy research papers and final exams that cover everything from the entire semester. In other words, I've been pretty busy.

Anyway, once I finally get back on track, I'm shifting the majority of my focus to Wear Flowers on Your Mane. It's in its final chapters now and I think it's finally high time that I stopped making you all wait so long and simply finish it off.

I know it's probably a bit premature to be giving thanks for following it this far, but still, thank you for following it this far. Especially if you've been doing so for the year and a half I've been working on it. It's strange to think that in the time I've been working on this story, I've lost three family members and have attended four funerals. I still don't know what it's like to lose a parent, but I've been given plenty of experience to draw from nonetheless.

Anyway, expect Chapter 12 soon...ish. Chapter 13 will be the last.

Report jkbrony · 452 views · Story: Wear Flowers in Your Mane ·
Comments ( 3 )

To be honest, I haven't read much of this yet (I read the first three chapters way back when): I've been waiting till it was complete only because I know that if I reread it multiple times, the impact will likely lessen. That being said,I can't wait to read this when it finishes

I haven't gotten to it yet, but no worries. We all get busy!

College is a time vampire, sucking you dry slowly over time until your nothing but a quivering wreck trying to pass finals. And every year it gets a new crop of unfortunate souls to sate its hunger.

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