First Blog Post Ever. Kinda nervous. (a.k.a. Story Idea #1) · 12:08am Nov 20th, 2015
OK, so I had this idea for a Sunset Shimmer fic, but I'm so horrible at wrighting that I'd end up just butchering it. So I'm going to put my idea down below and anybody who wants to, can use it for their own fic, as long as they give me a link to it. Also, if you think my idea sounds familiar and now of a fic that already exists that uses it, give me a link to it please.
My Idea:
What if, when the Elements blasted Sunset at the end of the first movie, they created a facsimile personality that suppressed the original and believed that it was the original?
Anyway, that's my idea. Anybody want to use it/seen a fic that uses it?
If yes, link me to it so I can read it.
I wouldn't use it - I've got plenty of my own - but it does raise some interesting and frightening possibilities.
That said, someone's raised similar issues with Princess Luna in at least one story.
Thanks for the feedback. Can you link me to that Luna story? I wanna read it.
The story in question. That said, this was merely suggested by a villain protagonist and is open to interpretation.
Hi there!
I actually think this is a really good idea, and there have been musings on Sunset Shimmer topics in Fimfic's groups and formus on what the rainbeam does to her. I have one of my own planned in the works for 2016 and while I wouldn't use your above stated idea outright, what I do have planned sort of brushes against it?
(That said, most fics I've seen usually end up the other way around--having Sunset's "demon" side separated from Sunset and gaining a sentience of sorts. Fans love the hardcore, I guess.
They're not hard to find, either.)
Thank's for the feedback, and i can't wait for your Sunset fic.
Yeah, I've read my fair share of those. They're pretty good.