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Lord Of Dorkness

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Dark Horse — Status Update · 11:53pm Nov 13th, 2015

Been a really long while since I did one of these, but good news!

Behind a cut, due to wall of text. :twilightblush:

The rough is nearly done with only about half of the epilogue chapter left.

It ended up at a whopping 92419 + 30078 words, (375 + 122 pages) split due to my backup computer not being able to handle such large g-doc files, and is currently at about 90-95% done.

I know that sounds like an utterly insane set of numbers, but that's becuse its basically written in this format:

D, sneering, "Awesome one-liner!"

F, "Oh dear. I wish I could actually do something."

Cel, "Kind, but mildly smug remark that doesn't actually tell you anything."

D, "Your mum!"

Cel, gasp, "My mum?!"

Awesome fight-scene happens.

D, maimed horrible, since she's Dresden, "'Tis' only a flesh wound!'

(D, Dresden, F, Fluttershy, and Cel, Celestia if you're wondering.)

Really, really time-consuming method and I've had pre-readers outright call me insane for it, but by half-writing the chapter/story like this it lets me throw stuff at the page as it comes to me and get a really strong handle on the characters with a fraction of the effort and time of actually doing stream of consciousness writing in a more proper format.

Anyway, that means those numbers up there are massively, massively 'inflated.' Tons of dialogue that won't happen, entire passages abandoned with just a note of: 'doesn't work,' and stuff like that.

Still, going from a rough mental map of the big way-points to an outright 'sketch' like this is going to help a ton, and should really help with the rest of the story feeling far smoother, and let me avoid snafu's like the V1 of chapter #8 from happening again. :twilightsmile:

Speaking of, the V2 of chapter #8 is now at 10151 words, 25 pages. About 75-80% done.

I'm not quite 100% happy with it so far, but it hits most of the points of the V1 in half word-count and with a far more pleasant tone, so I think I'm doing something right with it.

I think the source of my unhappiness with it is mostly familiarity having bred contempt, and I'm itching to move along to the more interesting bits... but we'll see how the pre-readers reacts to the new and shiny.

#8 should hopefully be coming before November is done. I'll make another, shorter blog once it gets passed out to the pre-readers and editors. :raritywink:

Comments ( 14 )

I am sad that my ''Ironic OC'' went hitatus and have been wondering are you write another Dresden story after this one finishes.
I personally hope for a Hellblazer crossover


I personally hope for a Hellblazer crossover

I've heard great things about Hellblazer, but its simply not a comic that's made it to Sweden much and I have very limited exposure to it. Even the TV series I've really only watched half an episode off.

I did greatly enjoy the movie Constantine, though, although I realize that might be damning with faint praise to a less casual fan of the franchise. :twilightsheepish:

I am sad that my ''Ironic OC'' went hitatus and have been wondering are you write another Dresden story after this one finishes.

This might be happening, though, depending on how burned out both I feel on writing and you guys on reading 'Dresden turned pony' after Dark Horse is finished.

I've made sure to keep them undeveloped since I want to concentrate on Dark Horse, but I do have a few ideas I'm currently flirting with.

* This year's April Fool's de-fictionalized, mostly for my own twisted amusement.
* A shorter, mainly slice-of-life prequel about Dresden's first six months as a pony named Dark Horse: Rising.
* A 'What If? spin-off set at a completely different time in Dresden canon, and with Rarity instead of Fluttershy.

That, and at least one outright sequel to Dark Horse proper, so even if I take a break with something else after Dark Horse itself I'm not going to be done with concept anytime soon. :raritywink:

3540699 Hellblazer is one of the most f:yay:ed up things I have read in my life , it is almost on same level as Manga Berzerk. I strongly recommend it, as I can see from your stories I believe you will enjoy it greatly

It ended up at a whopping 92419 + 30078 words

You really had me worried with that. My first thought was that unless you are adding a lot of new plot threads, there is no way it should take more than 90k words to wrap the story up. Any more than that and you are in sequel territory.

Anyway, that means those numbers up there are massively, massively 'inflated.' Tons of dialogue that won't happen, entire passages abandoned with just a note of: 'doesn't work,' and stuff like that.

And then I realized I should have had more faith. :pinkiehappy:


Speaking of, the V2 of chapter #8 is now at 10151 words, 25 pages. About 75-80% done.


* A shorter, mainly slice-of-life prequel about Dresden's first six months as a pony named Dark Horse: Rising.

* A 'What If? spin-off set at a completely different time in Dresden canon, and with Rarity instead of Fluttershy.

That, and at least one outright sequel to Dark Horse proper,

I'm not sure which of these three I'm most excited for... I think all of these must exist.

Eh, Google Documents. Just write in a text file, and use the fimfiction tags. Or do what I do and write in pseudo-html that gets reformatted to use square brackets. I'm sure it'll be wonderful, whoever you trust to save your stuff.

I just write in gdoc and add the bbc formatting manually.

And hot damn, I know most of its junk, but still, nearly 100K? Geez.

If only that 100K was for robots (and mighty morphing ponies, and not-Dresden, and balloon crack fic)...

That's like... the worst of both worlds. :ajbemused:

But w/ev if you aren't writing 100,000 words of notes and outlines, then gdocs probably won't slow down your computer. I just really like text editors that allow you to save to files you actually own. And I like remote storage that doesn't demand control over your computer, just to use it. Don't really care about convenience if it comes with loss of liberty, etc. I just remote sync my stories using git or mercurial or something...

3540699 I feel that it is my duty to inform you the Constantine movie bares little to no resemblence to the hell blazer comic not even the main character.


I've heard that much.

Still, the perplexing choice to go with 'Catholicism is the only true religion' from a 'all myths are true' setting aside, I think there's a lot to love in that movie. The choice of having hell be a perpetual nuke going off just before the blast-wave hits was really inspired and creepy, and Stormare's depiction is still one of the best Lucifer's I've ever seen on screen.

(Mild, context-less spoilers.)

Damn, is that a shining example of less is more. Cree~py. :fluttershbad:

Heck, even Keano Reeves did good in that movie. Subtle, but you really felt that version of Constantine was a very tired man, old before his time due to the great, big anvil he's had over his head all his life.

Honestly consider it a very underrated movie.

I do admit, though, I can see why fans hate it. Not much left recognizable from the actual comic series. Its really one of those 'in name only' adaptions.

3542725 I agree taken on it's own merit forgetting it's supposed to be an adaptation I agree it's good. Kinda like how the witch blade TV series (Canadian not japanese) was good despite it too taking liberties like the witchblade being a full plate mail instead of razor wire bikini armor


To be fair, the 'razor bikini' thing was rather obnoxious in a too obviously meant more for reader titillation rather than in-story reason sort of way.

Might be a mileage may vary sort deal, but I honestly thought the magical armor look both made more sense and was far cooler.

It ended up at a whopping 92419 + 30078 words, (375 + 122 pages)

Do want! *drools*
It's a good thing that your muse still flaps her wings and shimmers her horn, if you catch my drift. :raritywink:


And then I realized I should have had more faith. :pinkiehappy:

Do want! *drools*

I am planning a bonus update post epilogue where I post a link to the rough, the failed chapters and talk about some things that did and didn't happen, yes. :raritywink:

Probably going to inflate the final word-count by tons for both good and ill, but I'm sure people will find it interesting.

#8 should hopefully be coming before November is done.

*cough cough*

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