• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2018


I don't want to give out information here... Because obviously you're all going to use it against me. It's alright, I live in a cardboard box and I move it around a lot, so you'll never be able to.

More Blog Posts65

  • 482 weeks
    This site has not been good to me

    For some reason my computer had a big spat with this site and kept me from getting on it at all for the better part of a month. I honestly don't know what went wrong, but it's fixed now. This is extra annoying to me because I was making a lot of progress on everything and was then forced to stop. I probably could have written it in word or something, but the formatting after that for me has

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    4 comments · 481 views
  • 526 weeks
    So here is a representation of Dash and Jason's route (taken from the chapter A bit of Familiarity)

    I went ahead and made a map with the points of interest marked, so you guys could kinda see how the route looks.

    Where they started, following Market Street to the Eastern Coast of the Peninsula.

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    1 comments · 536 views
  • 557 weeks
    And this blog post indicates that I'm back (or should be, anyway)

    So, those two weeks are over. It's about time. So now I should be able to coast along and write, which will be nice. I don't like keeping you people waiting on these chapters, and while my absence around here for the past two weeks was mostly unavoidable, I still don't like the lack of ideas moving into type form. Hopefully I don't forget stuff or get stuck trying to pick back up on these

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    3 comments · 517 views
  • 562 weeks
    You people deserve a definitive blog post to explain everything schedule related in the coming months.

    So as usual, I haven't had a whole lot of updates going. I can at least call the reason out, and say when things should get better. I have AP testing coming up soon (first week of May), and if you're not in the US you have no idea what they are (because they could be called something else idk), they're basically year-end tests where you attempt to test out of the class for college. Either way,

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    1 comments · 547 views
  • 570 weeks
    It's been quite a while. Also, new story.

    I've not updated my stuff in a long time, and I apologize. It sucks, and I'm a crappy writer in that respect. I don't understand how I got stuff out so quickly when I started.

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    4 comments · 589 views

This site has not been good to me · 4:06am Oct 27th, 2015

For some reason my computer had a big spat with this site and kept me from getting on it at all for the better part of a month. I honestly don't know what went wrong, but it's fixed now. This is extra annoying to me because I was making a lot of progress on everything and was then forced to stop. I probably could have written it in word or something, but the formatting after that for me has been a nightmare. Anyway, sorry for the extra delay. You're probably all used to it by now anyway.

Report AgentSnail · 481 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I recommend using google docs. Transferring it on to here is very easy and pain free.

3499635 I was just gonna say... seriously, use that.

Google docs. Seriously. Google docs. It may be annoying to have to reformat everything, but it's better then having to rewrite everything.

[Just like what the people say below me. Using google docs will save your progress even if it shuts down randomly since it saves every time you make a change and stop for a few moments.]
[Besides that, if you need a break, or feel like you need to produce a chapter for us, make sure you pick your own needs first. Its better for you to take your time and be happy than rush and be mad.]

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