• Member Since 28th May, 2015
  • offline last seen November 6th

Extradimensional Alien

28-year old fanfiction writer from Russia.

More Blog Posts76

  • 303 weeks
    No updates for more than a year, oh my...

    Erm... I live?

    *sees glares*

    OK, I am sorry. Really.

    So here is the stuff:

    1) I have found to my displeasure that I need to go back to drawing board for the Western Wastelands arc in the "Fallout: Equestria Girls" story. I can churn out a chapter or two without doing that, and then I will have to rethink a number of things.

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    17 comments · 1,591 views
  • 330 weeks
    Going on a vacation for 2 weeks

    Internet reception is not likely to be good, so I am basically offline; if I do happen to come around, it's not for long.

    Sorry everyone, was not able to update anything in time.

    1 comments · 511 views
  • 353 weeks

    I haven't seen "Forgotten Friendship" in full yet, but from what bits I saw on YouTube, my own headcanon got screwed (namely, that Sunset never got back to Equestria and never saw Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia until the events of Fallout: Equestria Girls).

    Expect some retcon. There won't be much, but Chapter 31 at least will have to be re-written a bit.

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    10 comments · 877 views
  • 364 weeks
    Bad news, people...

    No, I am not cancelling any of my WIP stories. It's other things.

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    13 comments · 1,145 views
  • 369 weeks
    It's my birthday, yeaaaaaaah!

    I am twenty-four now! :pinkiehappy:

    18 comments · 531 views

Fallout: Equestria Girls Q&A session! · 1:25pm Oct 26th, 2015

Fallout: Equestria Girls just made it past 100k words with its fifteen chapters (including intro and prologue), and to top it off: finally, it has more than 100 upvotes now! Woo-hoo, yay :raritystarry: :pinkiehappy: :yay: :ajsmug: :rainbowkiss:

To everyone who reads this story: thank you so much!

As a small celebration of these milestones, I have started writing Chapter 14 on this very day (good thing I am not swamped on my job right now), but there is more:

I have decided to start a Q&A session dedicated to Fallout: Equestria Girls.

You can ask me questions related anyhow to the story in the comments to this blog post, and I'll answer them here as soon as I am able to (remember, job). Of course, there can't be spoilers in my answers.

The session will last for a couple of days (two or three), so as to give everyone a chance to ask their question and also to account for time difference.

Ask away! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 27 )

Congrats, and your story is next on my list to read.

Thanks :twilightsmile: feel free to comment and ask your questions.

Is the power armor in your story like the ones in fallout 3 or the ones in the upcoming fallout 4?

Are sniper rifles classified under Big Guns, Small Guns or Energy Weapons?

3498011 Small Guns if I remember correctly.:twilightsmile:


T-72d power armour is similar in looks to the T-45 armour Brotherhood of Steel uses in Fallout 3, while T-80 model is close to T-51b from New Vegas.

I remember that there was a T-60 armour mentioned in videos on Fallout 4 gameplay. I'll see what lore surrounds this very model before introducing it somehow in my story.


Xaldon Ajide is correct, sniper rifles are Small Guns. If this story were a game, I wouldn't change this thing.

Will any of the Shadow Five be here?

What I ment was. Does it go on like the power armor in the upcoming fallout 4?

Will we see more of the history of the TODC?

3498370 Thanks. I started playing Fallout 3 Saturday and the Small Guns perk mentioned pistols, BB guns, assault rifles and the like, but I was confused with the sniper rifles. One more thing... did you write Twilight and Sunset as if they were actually in Fallout 3 and/or New Vegas?

Waifu thief, yeah, about him...... are you planing to kill him in your story, or give him an irredeemable douche at best, to Ron the Death Eater treatment at worst? I mean, if you don't like the shipping, it's fine, there are other sensible ways to do that, but man, I would rather not read any of the above befalling him for a change :unsuresweetie:


The Shadowbolts from Crystal Prep? Yes, they will appear in this story, but not all at once. Like the Rainbooms, they will enter one by one - at least, that's the most likely option. There is a chance I might introduce two of them in one time, but it all depends on plot progression.


Hmm... I am afraid I can't really interpret your question. What does "go on like the power armor in the upcoming fallout 4" mean?

If you are talking about the possibility of upgrading the armour (like Bethesda showed in gameplay video), this option will be in the story for factions that actually can do such upgrades, but in later chapters.

If you mean the looks, then older models look like those in Fallout 3, while newer ones like those in Fallout 4.


Yes, once I am able to pay my attention to the sub-plot that uncovers some information from the pre-apocalyptic past.


I don't write characters as if they were in one particular game, but rather the whole universe of Fallout. Initially the writing was inspired by Fallout 3, and now it's mostly by New Vegas (the latter offers more inspiration possibilities, to be honest). The videos of Fallout 4 already gave me several ideas for future story arcs, and once I am able to get my hands on it, probably more inspiration will come from that, too.


Flash Sentry? I don't hate him. Let's say... if a character had "Contract Killer" Perk, then Flash would drop an ear upon death. So certainly no "Ron the Death Eater" in my head, although I don't plan for him to be without faults.

As for killing him... there isn't such a thing here as IDDQD. And plot armour can be pierced by plot magic bullet.

I mean, if you don't like the shipping, it's fine

I'm not against TwiFlash, actually, but One True Pairings for this story haven't been decided yet. And it's too early in the story for romance of any kind, anyway.

3499812 Do you have Fallout 3?


On my notebook, yes. My main computer has big trouble with it and New Vegas: the former hangs up heavily, and the latter lags so much it's impossible to play. No idea why; that computer should have been able to handle the load.

3499820 Oh well, at least I know you'll make him more than the typical: "I hate Flash Sentry, so he's either dead, or bad in my story just because" :scootangel:

I have yet to play any Fallout game, but, that Black Widow is burrowed from any of the Fallout games, or she's original within the lore?

Other than that, I'm afraid I don't have any more question without spoiling the fic :twilightblush:

3499805 I mean that you step into the suit and it closes around you


Ah, that's what you meant! Thanks for clarifying :twilightsmile:

Yes, a person steps into the suit and it either closes itself or is closed by another person.


I can't really recall any person from Fallout lore that could serve as a prototype for Black Widow, so I guess she's original :scootangel:

3499882 You can download the unofficial patch from NexusMods, but you hafta sign up for it. But as for the lagging, that could be due to very old drivers or an old computer.

3500268 Well, I'll make a wild guess that it's Dashie, since Ashleigh Ball voiced Marvel's Black Widow in Iron Man Armored Adventures :twistnerd:

None of the humane 6 or cmc died, right?


Applejack and Apple Bloom did not, but none of main characters have any certain information on fates of others. All they know that others could be alive, because they did have an above-zero chance of survival, but whether they did - no hard data available. (At least, for now.)

In fact, I'm planning to cover what the main characters know about everyone else in Chapter 14. And it's possible that another one of Humane 6 may make an appearance soon...

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