• Member Since 29th May, 2014
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Love yall anyone still around!!

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  • 423 weeks
    h e h

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  • 463 weeks
    I made something terrible

    I made a crackfic. Do you want to see it?

    9 comments · 265 views
  • 464 weeks
    Morgan Freeman

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  • 477 weeks

    Uuuuuugh. Youtube is so corrupted with idiots, sheep, and idiot nine year old sheep(not to say that all nine year olds are terrible). I say, my personal favorite channel, JonTronShow, has a total of 73 videos, all of prime quality with good editing, all satirical critiques of bad games, movies and shows. He made a let's play channel with a buddy. The let's play channel has nearly 50% more

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  • 485 weeks

    For the first time since Christmas, my Libraries have no unread chapters. It's an amazing feeling.

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Ugh · 8:25pm Oct 19th, 2015

Uuuuuugh. Youtube is so corrupted with idiots, sheep, and idiot nine year old sheep(not to say that all nine year olds are terrible). I say, my personal favorite channel, JonTronShow, has a total of 73 videos, all of prime quality with good editing, all satirical critiques of bad games, movies and shows. He made a let's play channel with a buddy. The let's play channel has nearly 50% more subs, in less time. And then a minecraft sheeplover makes a music channel with some dudes(I know this because I have an idiot nine year old sheep brother) which then outputs some mediocre to good music. Then I find this tiny channel, ArylusMusic, which has made some of my personal top songs. And a grand total of 129 subscribers, now. What the actual fuck. The sheep all follow the shitty minecrafts, and the shitty minecrafts use that as a foothold into other, once-virgin sections of the internet.

And now I feel bad for anyone whose feelings I might have hurt, but it had to be done.

Report Bones_ · 270 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

lmao year ago me was so salty

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