So yeah, those riffs. · 5:41am Oct 16th, 2015
I never mentioned this one, did I?
The Catch - Part Four
The Catch - Part Three
The Catch - Part Two
The Catch - Part One
Well, I'm blogging about it now, so there's the links, people! A pretty big damn riff from the F/F/T3k crew, including myself, which managed to go way overboard and give birth to this little tale, The Fumble, which is tagged to the right of this blog. I really have to give those rules a read, Christ...
So if you were wondering just what the heck possessed me and ScarletWeather to write that fic, well, now you can go catch the same disease we did by reading our hilarious riff! I was involved a lot in Part One, but things kinda fell off, but I heartily recommend reading just for the laughs my colleagues made. Seriously, guys're hilarious.
And thanks to them, and myself, we were all able to come together and create an entertaining story in the process! Pretty damn proud of that, and I hope you all have a blast reading as well!
Keep marching on, folks!