Next chapter will be a much longer while... · 12:30pm Aug 7th, 2012
A huge mixture of things is making me put this story on hiatus. At the moment and in my mind it is cancelled, but there is the slimmest chance where I might do something with this story again.
If I revisit any parts of this, it would most likely involve a complete rewrite from chapter one or simply be a new story with similar elements, events, and/or characters.
Before I explain why, I want to say sorry that I dragged it out before choosing to do this. I've had this feeling of just stopping since sometime in between the second and third chapter, but I hate not finishing things so I stupidly charged ahead in hopes of getting past the feeling.
Now as to why (since I don't like leaving things unexplained):
I hit a point where what was written left me wonderfully disgruntled. Rather than writing out chapters, I mostly coughed them out painfully and/or slowly, hoping that I'd fix it along the way. In between having changed the middle and end four or so times now, I feel (i.e., will unflinchingly believe forever) what I finally settled on made the first half a waste of words. That and the belief of the first ending was almost worse than Twilight (not the adorkable unicorn). Every time I found an ending I liked, I realized everything before a point still had almost nothing to do with it or failed to build up to it in a decent way at all.
So among attempts to fix everything and unsuccessfully charting a new path, I find no motivation to continue this as it is, but may take it and make something completely new from the corpse it has become. If I do eventually find a way keep the first half relevant and decide continue Trixie's story, I will come back to it. I Pinkie Pie swear with all the cupcakes in the world on that.
Sorry I know this is a little late but, I just wanted to let you know that I have loved this story and the way you write a story. I'm not trying to persuade you to continue before you think so. I'm just throwing it out there that I appreciate that you've written even this much of the story and, that even if it is never finished, I do hope you'll continue to write other stories I'll definitely be looking forwards to anything you may write in the future!
Also you right she is adorkable!