• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2023


<---- Falco Judging your cringe

More Blog Posts89

  • 129 weeks
    Hello, its been a while

    Does anyone remember me? I remember you—most of you, from years ago when I posted my last story. I've wanted to come back but anxiety about how many ponies I've missed has been looming over my head for a while and I wanted to break away from what I used to write. So, I am going to try again. I have time again for the first time in nearly 5 years and I'd like to do something with it

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    2 comments · 242 views
  • 294 weeks
    Another excuse filled ramble on why I've been silent

    So the truth is that I am a procrastinating piece of utter filth and that I need to stop starting something and never finishing it. Thank you, that's all...

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    0 comments · 363 views
  • 330 weeks
    Back to the past

    So, I'm gonna make it short. I have no job, a lot of time, and I'm bored while reminiscing over the old days. So here's what I'm going to do
    I'm going to Finish the ties that bind us, My Diamond, and The Pianist. I'm not going to continue Power struggle because I wrote myself into a corner to be entirely honest. That is all.

    3 comments · 338 views
  • 335 weeks
    I have a Patreon now!

    I figured that since I have been doing this fanfiction thing for ages now, I should open up my services to anyone who wants a story written in their honor (for a price). Jump on this linky linky to see what I have in store for you all

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  • 356 weeks
    The Griffons are Here!

    Clifford and Magdalen from my Fic Legends of Griffons :twilightsmile:

    2 comments · 358 views

New story · 10:48pm Sep 30th, 2015


Haven't you ever wondered what's around the corner? ~anonymous

We as ponies live our lives in mediocrity, and security, scared to venture out through the open door into a wold of unknown possibilities that lie in a new reality. Even our ancestors divided themselves into three section of this land, too frightened to wonder what lies beyond the next hill. Our world is not as local as we think it may be. There are even holes within our own existence that wait to be filled with knowledge and understanding. I know, you may think I stand before you, citing the ramblings of a madman, but tell me. Have you ever wondered what's around the corner? Have you ever wondered what is out there, away from what you know; away from the familiar, and away from yourself? That is the true world. So let me take you... away

so after being tapped out on ideas this one came to me literally in a dream. I was watching a documentary on space, and what planets could we visit and live on. Then I had a dream about a whole new world separate from Equestria. Tell me what you think

Read, no read, or trash it?

Report Regis-Th3-Lesser · 308 views · #NewStory
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