• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
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Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

More Blog Posts36

  • 180 weeks
    Thoughts on trauma, and the acceptance thereof

    It's been a while since I've actually... written anything like this, so I hope you can forgive in advance. This is going to be rambly.

    So... at this time, as I type this, it's just shy of midnight. An hour and a half from now, it'll be two months exactly from when the fire broke out at my old apartment complex. I'm still glad I got out, don't get me wrong. But Darkness, do I have regrets.

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  • 403 weeks
    Signal boost!

    Lately, a dear buddy of mine has been streaming Fallout 4 with mods! Jake the Army Guy is getting his face blown off by supermutants half the time, but I'm sure he'll be just fine... just needs more stimpaks!

    Here's his blogpost! come watch! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/721738/streaming-fallout-4-for-real-this-time

    0 comments · 468 views
  • 444 weeks
    Well... this has been a long time in coming.

    I've put a lot of thought into this, in the past several weeks. And I've finally come to a decision...

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  • 462 weeks
    Hm hm hm...

    Well, life's been interesting here lately. Looking for work, have a blizzard sweeping my way... and I'm still drowning in ideas that I've yet to write.

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  • 466 weeks
    Happy holidays, one and all!

    So... I'm sitting here in NY, enjoying a 70 F Hearth's Warming eve, and loving it, after winter's icy hell last year. I'm loving the warmth, but I know it won't last. Take good things while you can get them, folks.

    Have a wonderful holiday, everypony.

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Thought I'd post something happy here, before bed. · 1:57am Sep 24th, 2015

So, new job working in a warehouse is going pretty well. I'm tired and sore and chafing, but it's a good tired and sore. Honest work, as Applejack might think of it.

But that's not why I'm posting. No, I've been catching up on my reading lately, and decided to make a small list of authors that have inspired me, continue to do so, and I feel like my life would be poorer for not having them. This'll be short and sweet.

First up, The Descendant

Why? Because this magnificent man writes some of the sweetest, most beautiful work I've ever read. Whether it's adorable Twispike family exploration with 'Every Little Bit', or pulling you into the world of locomotives and steam engines with 'Highball', this guy is your go-to for happy fics to read with a nice warm cup of cocoa or cider on a cold night, snuggled into a blanket. I also can't imagine life without him. He genuinely makes my life brighter for being in it.

Second on my list, the fantastic Midnight Shadow

What can I say about one of my best, dearest friends (who really needs to be on Skype more, because I miss him)? He's one of the reasons I got into writing ponyfic. He reignited my love of cyberpunk with 'Out and About in the Equestrian Kingdom', captivates me to this day with the 'Ambassador's Son' series, and his Friendship is Optimal works are just so intriguing for how well he wordsmiths.

Seriously, Mids? Come back and write. You're missed.

Thirdly? Chatoyance

"But Noble, she's a misanthrope, she hates humanity!" I hear you complain. That is where I'd give you a brass-knuckle bitchslap, because A., she doesn't hate humanity, she's a transhumanist. In short, there's always something BETTER out there, whether through ponies or technology, or what have you. Humanity has its dark side that's shown to what it perceives as 'the Other', and Chat's been on the end that's gotten the happiness kicked out of them more than a few times. I'm right there with her, in some respects, so I understand better than most. B., she's the OTHER reason I got into pony. The way she's explored what it really means to be human while changing the shape, and trying not just to be a better person, but a better being, that's what's stuck with me. She's one of the main reasons I haven't quit the fandom, and I love her dearly.

You want good stuff from her, and to see what The Conversion Bureau sub-genre is really about? start with 'The Big Respawn'. It's one I re-read every few weeks.

Fourth on my list! The one and only Arad!

Going from happy ponies to shooty and the oft-stated "That's XCOM, baby!", this is the bad mother that somehow gloriously combined pony and XCOM. And it works. You want action? you want intensity? you want Shen being absolutely adorable to a tiny purple unicorn? 'Stardust' will be your jam. Then you can move on to 'Mente Materia' after. Arad's also doing an XCOM Let's Play, if Beaglerush is too pro for you to enjoy.

Why not round this out with an even five? Rust, the batpone with the plan!

... okay, he's got SOMETHING, I'm not sure if it's a plan, per se... but damn if he hasn't re-defined Diamond Dogs for me as a whole, and given me one of the sturdier Daring Do characterizations to keep handy as headcanon. Seriously, if you have time to kill and want some good Dog fic? You can't go wrong with 'Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog'.

Hokay, I think that'll about do it, and I need to get my butt to bed. I hope you guys enjoy the new reading material. I think I'll be doing some re-reading this weekend. Take it easy!

Comments ( 4 )

... okay, he's got SOMETHING,

deez nuts.

Thank you, Noble. If inspiring you is all that I've accomplished in this fandom, then it was time well spent.:twilightsmile:


Back to writing on Echo, you! *whipcrack*


Any chance you could make Bronycon next year, my dear friend? you were sorely missed this last go-around.

Too early to tell yet. If I hit the lottery, then I'm there.:raritywink:

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