Editor Wanted · 1:54pm Sep 21st, 2015
If anyone want to help me edit my fics. Just let me know.
My is DarkMagicEn-Forcer1 I am not a brony but I did like the show. I like Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Team Fortress 2, Fairy Tail, Sonic and Power Rangers. When I heard about theses displace fics I count me i
If anyone want to help me edit my fics. Just let me know.
I can help you with that.
3409831 Sure
3409840 I'll send you a PM when I'm ready if I'm not busy.
3409845 ok
I could if you need me to.
3414761 Yes please.
I can help edit if you want.
3454387 Sure just pm me the chapter or chapter's of one up to all three of my story's that you wish to edit. Thank you.
I can help if you want that is?
3498415 Yes please.
More than willing to throw a hand in for the favorite you gave. Thanks. ^^
3508705 Thank you. :pinkie happy: Which fic do you want to edit?
Maybe I could help you with stories if that's fine.
3658946 That will be fine Thank you.
Just pm me the edit version of a chapter or chapters of the story.
3694817 You can help if you want. ^^
3694826 Well first download the chapters of 1 or 3 out of 4 of my fics, edited them and then pm me the edited chapters. ^^
My 'I'am 120% Cooler' story has already been edited by a editor.
3696843 ok
Sure, what should I do?
3721381 Pick a fic edit it's chapters then pm me the edit version of the chapters.
3721434 Alright.