Elements of Family Revealed Part 2 · 12:37pm Sep 21st, 2015
Hey Guys, Jay here,
As promised, but maybe a bit late, is here the final format explaining the Elements of Family.
At first we got Rainbow Dash, who represents Loyalty. She Equalizes Jay, who represents Creativity,
Next is Applejack, who represents Honesty. She Equalizes Gary, who represents Fairness,
Next is Pinkie Pie, who represents Laughter. She Equalizes Rick, who represents Happiness,
Next is Rarity, who represents Generosity. Her Equalization lays within Orlando who represents Liberality,
Next up is Fluttershy, who represents Kindness. She Equalizes Jane, who represents Gentleness,
And Finally is Twilight Sparkle, who represents Magic. Her Equalization lays within Kaylee, who represents Smartness.
Some of the Elements may seem like there is no connection, but there is. Maybe not between their Elements, but between their personalities as well.
(And their Instruments during Rainbow Rocks)
Hope you got some clearer vision now on the myths surrounding the Cyberponies.
See ya in the next Story,
Jay the Cyberpony,
Jamy Legend,