• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Sunday

Endless Nightmares

Just your average artist and writer.

More Blog Posts52

  • 182 weeks
    Echoes teaser- Chapter 16 F.E.N.B.

    So, it's been ages since I've written. So much to where I'm admittedly trying to shake the rust off at this point. A lot has happened that I won't go into detail about, but I decided it's time for me to finally pick up where I left off and start writing again- to finish the book series. So if there are any readers left that still follow this zombie story, here's a teaser of the upcoming chapter

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  • 359 weeks
    Teaser: On the wings of an Eagle

    Hello all, Nightie here with a small snippet for a teaser, to get you thinking about the new chapter. I'm definitely writing again since I was able to finish Before the Dawn, the words are pretty much flying onto the page with ease. No more writer's block and depression is manageable. So here's an update of the upcoming chapter: On the wings of an Eagle. Hope

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  • 360 weeks
    Final update-before the dawn

    All that remains is some minor spelling corrections and formatting, the chapter is nearly finished. It will be posted when I get home from work tonight. Look forward to it.

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  • 360 weeks
    Update: Before the Dawn

    Hello all, Nightie here with an update! I have been writing quite a lot. (Really every night this week, and most of last week.) And we're making pretty good progress thus far. So as a teaser to get your attention, I figured I'd release a small snippet to you. Show some love and leave your comments!

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  • 363 weeks
    Here we go again.

    Hello everyone, I'm back from the dead. XD

    So, let's go over a few things. New tablet for drawing and writing, with comfortable to use keyboard: ✔.

    New job that does not leave me horribly depressed, or with a hand that was shredded to ribbons: ✔

    5th and final surgery that now allows me about 90% function in my hand? :✔✔

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New Beginnings Announcement! · 11:13pm Sep 17th, 2015

Hello everypony!

Nightie here with an important and wonderful update, and what a treat it is. I wanted to take the time to announce to you special bonus content, as well as something that many readers will like to hear. First, the best news: The complete Fallen Equestria series is being recorded as an audio book for you to enjoy on the go! That's right, it's being voiced and read to you by none other than my dearest friend and editor, Nightfeathers. Her name is Kimmi, be sure to show her some love, follow her page and give her a warm thank you for all of her hard work. (Give this a listen, her voice is sexy! :raritywink: )

Audio Book of Fallen Equestria; New Beginnings Chapter 1) Blessings

In other news, I've got the completed soundtrack to the 2nd book now, and I'll be adding links with music downloads, as well as youtube videos in the bonus content chapter following the final arc of this book. I'll also be adding additional chapters of deleted scenes, some outtakes, and once you guys finally post what you want in these comments, any additional scenes / skits you want to see. Want your OC as a cameo appearance in the next chapter? List it in the comments, and I'll happily see what I can do! Until next time, keep an eye out for the upcoming chapter, Requiem.


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